w.Intercom = i;How to avoid thermostat battery depletion when away for long periods? — tado° Community

How to avoid thermostat battery depletion when away for long periods?


When I leave home for several days I usually switch off my internet router and the tado bridge. Then, when I am back, it is usual that some smart radiator thermostat issue a low battery notification, even when the batteries are quite new.

I found this support article where it is explained that if the Internet Bridge is disconnected, the batteries will deplete much faster, I suppose because the thermostat is continuously trying to connect to the bridge without success, so this explains my issue. https://support.tado.com/en/articles/4359800-what-are-the-best-settings-for-my-tado-heating-devices-during-the-summer-months

The article also mentions to keep the router on to avoid this battery depletion, but I would like to know if someone in this community is certain about this.

I would like to switch off everything when I am away for long periods, but as extracting the batteries from every thermostat is too much, and switching off the Internet Bridge is not a good option, may I at least switch off my internet router without battery problems?

Thank you.



  • policywonk
    policywonk ✭✭✭
    Got around this by installing very high storage capacity in rechargeable batteries. Note that they mainly use trv batteries when opening a radiator. So drop the temps on every room when away.