w.Intercom = i;Battery last changed — tado° Community

Battery last changed

Hi - Please can you add a feature which records when the battery was last changed?
3 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin

    Hi @MSo

    Thanks for your suggestion, it's been noted 🙂

    Usually the way this works is:

    • Community members make a suggestion on the forum
    • The suggestion is noted in a spreadsheet and upvotes continue to be tabulated over time
    • Suggestions that prove popular and/or feasible are brought to product planning meetings. The product team then decides whether or not to move forward.

  • Unknown
    edited July 22
    This content has been removed.
  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin


    tado°'s official roadmap is confidential.

    However, tado°'s product team is in constant contact with its customer experience team and extracts decisions for future offerings based on data gathered via a variety of sources (community, customer surveys, product reviews, support chat logs). So while community requests are considered, they do not in and of themselves define the tado° roadmap.

    A good example of a request that has moved forward recently due to requests on a variety of platforms has been the increases in connectivity reach offered by tado° X.

  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin


    Nothing is left on the wayside in terms of suggestions. However, it can happen that a suggestion is investigated and found to be inapplicable for developers or too difficult to use for customers. In those instances, new features are put on the backburner with the potential to be re-investigated in the future.

    tado° therefore doesn't communicate which features won't be implemented because it may well be that they will be implemented in the future.

  • This content has been removed.
  • policywonk
    policywonk ✭✭✭

    @Emcee If I may make a point here. I registered on the forum to help other users overcome their challenges in understanding how to truly benefit from their Tado products. I also visit the forum to understand whether others are facing the same obstacles as I am facing, and whether anybody has worked through them.

    The need to handle multiple boilers, or multiple "homes", or to apply multiple logical homes on the same broadband link is something I face every few months, because most of the sites I assist operate with more than one boiler, and sometimes I have to respond to more than one site at a time.

    I know you know that some stuff is due to be considered a priority. However - its a bit like X - it helps to know in advance whats coming, when, what it offers, and the obstacles that it overcomes as it appears. Is the desire to hold that back from being published purely because the company wishes to maintain a competitive shroud?

  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin

    Competitive shroud, sure, but more importantly we don't want to make promises we can't keep.

  • cdmstr
    edited August 7
    @Emcee will Tado commit to urgently implementing multi factor authentication, or passkeys, or similar strong security measures? This requirement for IoT device security has been signed into law in both the EU and UK.

    Please see my other post on this topic for details.