w.Intercom = i;Official Announcement: Sunsetting IFTTT - Page 2 — tado° Community

Official Announcement: Sunsetting IFTTT



  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    edited August 8

    @SteveIreland you make a good point and thank you for pointing this out. I will speak to the affected team asap. It may take some time, but all points of sale will be updated by September 15.

  • @Manuel @Emcee so you're going to ignore all the other questions and concerns and pick the lowest-hanging fruit that helps you with sales only, but nothing in terms of supporting existing customers?

  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin

    @bijomaru78 my colleagues and I have shared what we know.

  • cbd20
    cbd20 ✭✭✭
    I have a number of routines that automatically turn lights on as sunset approaches. I use IFTTT, and specifically tado geofencing status as an IF clause to determine if anyone is home and therefore if the lighting routines should run or not. It essentially turns the lighting routines off if tado switches to away mode, and turns them back on if tado switches to home mode.

    Sadly, as far as I know, no other smart routine service is capable of determining if ALL members of a household are away. I could for example use Google or Alexa to determine if a single user is away, but that's not much use. I don't want to turn the routines off if only a single occupant leaves the house.

    It would be very useful if tado could make it's geofencing status available to the likes of Google and Alexa to use as a trigger, or if somebody could suggest a solution to the above.
  • Rob
    Rob Admin


    One of the reasons we are 'sunsetting' IFTTT is that hardly anybody still uses it. It is not really a strong sales pitch to market a feature hardly any potential customer cares about. And yes I realize some people do still use IFTTT with tado, but those are not 'new customers' that can be 'misled'; we actively sent them (and are still sending out) emails about this topic. The reason it is still visible in some locations is because it simply takes time to remove. Moreover, sometimes we can overlook things too, we are only human. I think the latter happened here. @Emcee was being honest when she thanked you for pointing this out. We (me and her) didn't know this was still visible on Amazon, so she took the initiative to get it removed by contacting the right people. Anyone working in a company that is larger than a few people knows that 'contacting the right person' does not automatically mean you will get the desired result the very next day. Especially in holiday season.

    My point: there is no bad intent here.

    Honestly, what do you think we could possibly achieve by promoting an unpopular feature that we will discontinue shortly? It will create more backlash than the very few potential IFTTT-based sales are worth. This is simply something we overlooked and will set right.

  • K_T
    K_T ✭✭
    @vNemesis Tado X can be added to SmartThings via Matter - although the setup process can be a bit painful and the functionality isn't en pair with Tado app (Tado app uses "room" concept whilst Matter controllers see individual devices)
  • @Emcee Any response to my previous question & others that have asked? You can’t make a major announcement & then not support existing customers. Holiday season isn’t a reason, Tado chose to make this announcement at this point in time.

    Still haven’t had a response to my support request in July neither….
  • @Emcee @Manuel for the Alexa routines/commands is there an equivalent to the IFTTT task to turn of a room ‘until ended by user’? From what I’m testing there is not.

    This is how my window sensor is currently set up: when the window opens I trigger IFTTT to turn off the room until ended by user. Then when the window closes IFTTT to return to automatic.

    The problem with the Alexa way (as I see it) is that when I turn off a room it follows the manual control option from the app, which I have set to ‘until next automatic change’. I want this setting so any temperature changes I make stop based on the schedule. I do not want to change this to ‘until ended by user’.

    Please let me know if there is a way to do the above without ifttt and preferably without Alexa. It would be nice if these actions could be added to HomeKit/siri shortcuts as I don’t have Alexa used for anything else and it seems crazy that I need to add another platform/assistant to my setup to continue using the same feature as before.
  • johnbur
    johnbur ✭✭✭
    I can't believe that anyone still relies on the thieving con artists at IFTTT. Tado have done you all a favour!
  • I understand Tado's approach here but am disappointed with this as I have extensively used IFTT to automate. The killer automation for me is to allow individual family member geofencing (I'm on apple so can tell when individuals leave and return) where I turn heating off in a particular room rather than the all or nothing. Appreciate that would be complex in the app but that's the point of IFTTT. A second automation is around hot water boosting which I trigger post exercise amongst other use cases.

    I am quite happy to use HomeKit though as it does work well. Can I suggest that Tado expose hot water to HomeKit soonest and also consider a HomeKit (or Siri Shortcuts acton) to return to automatic control - the current actions are limited to setting off or heat to a specific temperature. Also consider exposing the whole API to HomeKit or Siri Shortcuts would be great.

  • I should add, homebridge has control of the hot water so this would be easy to do.

  • I Just hope with this, Tado can put those resources into integrating Matter. Because it matter(s)
  • @perchima: Give Home Assistant a try. Comes with great community support and above average documentation.
  • @docirl it should be possible to achieve what you want to do with Home assistant (see some basic documentation). At the moment I am not aware of any other integration that allows setting a temperature with a manual control duration that is not the one used by the devices. Google Assistant, Alexa and Apple Home default to that duration (‘until next automatic change’ in your case) when doing changes from their apps or automations.

  • K_T
    K_T ✭✭

    This is disappointing - however not unexpected.

    I am wondering if there is a solution for the following issue - I used IFTTT to set up Tado to Away/set temperature where I was technically in the "home" zone but physically in a different building (and thus I wanted Tado to behave as if I was in the "away" mode.
    It was easily achievable through IFTTT by selecting a trigger as connected/disconnected to a certain WiFi SSID. Though I can't think of how this could be achieved otherwise.

  • Like everyone else I'm disappointed with this decision, especially since there was no apparent consultation.

    We use the boost function a lot in winter and use IFTT to turn off everything when the rooms reach 21c since 25c is just far too warm. Does anyone know another way I could achieve this? Cheers
  • I'm also a user of IFTTT affected by this bad decision from tado. I can handle several situations easily with IFTTT but now I have to struggle to look for other solutions as Alexa is not viable. In addition, the integration of tado with Minut for example is nothing compared with the one provided with IFTTT. If I had to choose another provider now, I'd try another one as tado is trying to sell new devices instead of taking care of the old customers.

  • All IFTTT alternatives involve additional hardware or subscription, or both. Also, Tado basically tells us "if you want all the freedom, you have to use Alexa" which is different from "Tado supports Alexa+Google+Homekit".
    I'm a happy "Home Assistant" user, but this is not a solution for a basic user: furthermore, the Tado integration is not API-based and therefore not robust: rather it is a sort of "workaround" solution.

    Tado, please be honest: you don't have a clear path to external integrations, but these are critical for accomplishing tasks that your app doesn't allow.

  • cbd20
    cbd20 ✭✭✭
    So I've been slightly lazy and haven't bothered to change my IFTTT applets that use tado as a trigger, but I've noticed they are all continuing to work 2 weeks after the supposed stop date.

    So, is it just late getting withdrawn or has there been a change of heart?
  • Rob
    Rob Admin

    @cbd20 There is no change. I am not sure when exactly our engineers will switch it off, but I presume it will be soon. I think it's better to keep support shortly beyond the announced termination date, the opposite would be worse.

  • Looks like it has now been switched off - IFTTT now nagging me as the Tado account is offline.


  • This sucks so badly!

  • IFTTT integration has just been removed - first i heard of it - it controls my heated floor, turning off the floor it the wood surface gets too hot. 10pm on a friday heating is now f**ked, big argument with my mrs - thanks tado!!

  • With this umpteenth wrong choice Tado have definitely pushed me to change my "smart" thermostat.
    Welcome NEST...

  • Rob_Tado
    edited October 5
    This is an absolute joke. Tado have terrible built in optimization features and Ifttt actually allowed you to control your heating in a smart way. On top of that Tado don't update their functionality. Ever. Unless it's for a new paid option.

    This is a terrible decision. The other 'automation' options like Alexa are just as basic as Tados app.

    I was extremely disappointed with Tados features when the kit arrived over 2 years ago. But with IFTTT it was actually usable. But now we are back to 'boost all rooms for 30 minutes' or ask Alexa to turn on thermostats with zero way to resume schedule. Instead Alexa simply turns the thermostats off.

    Tado need to get off their arse and build in the functions that IFTTT had. Instead 'boost all for 30 mins'
  • I spent the weekend installing and configuring Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi - not easy if you aren't very technical, think linux and networking - and the ui isn't great but i did get it working thankfully - it can turn the thermostat down on my floor for an hour when my ubibot underfloor temp sensor rises above a threshold.

    However I can't see everyone getting a Raspberry pi 😂 . It seems to me there is massive scope here for automation software that sets the tado apart from the rest. I assume tado don't think it will sell more units based upon best in class automation, and i assume they have the data and the numbers to back this up, also assume that their home market is their main focus. And if HA does the job for us "experts" then why bother if no one is going to pay extra for it?

  • WHAT A FU***** joke

    We are right about to start the heating season and you make a dick move like this.. what a lovely xmas gift for us users thanke you so much, what about you give us a real gift like "we pulling out of IFTTT and we know it going to be a irritation for some you, if you have been a user for over a year you get a year of auto-assist as a plaster on the wound"

  • This is truly unbelievable. This morning, I received a message from IFTTT that my integration was no longer connected. When I tried to reconnect to Tado, I was informed that this functionality was no longer supported. My entire company relies on Tado/IFTTT, with extensive weather- and calendar-based scripts and more. We all-in on the Tado platform for this very reason. Now, I have a non-functioning office space rental company just as winter begins. I am extremely angry and desperate, and I am considering legal action against Tado for discontinuing this—what is to us—essential functionality without any warning. If anyone is interested in joining a class action, please let me know.

  • Hi
    I only realised this was being turned off when my trigger failed to run
    I use it daily to tell automate turning a dehumidifier that’s on a smart switch, off when the humidity gets to a certain level
    I’m struggling to find an app that will accept tado humidity as a trigger and then action my smart plugs
    Apple HomeKit seems to be the only one that will use humidity as a trigger but it doesn’t recognise smart life - the app I use for my plugs
    Is there a simple solution ?- I don’t want to go down the raspberry pi route as I’m really not up for learning a new skill just to get my dehumidifier to stop when my clothes are dry ! Thank you all…
  • I can confirm that the service was fully deactivated on Friday 5 Oct 2024. We had previously communicated the announcement via email (to addressable users), via this forum and the help centre. The switch off was supposed to happen in September, but it took a bit longer. For all the details and the reasoning see the announcement on the fist page.