Confused about UFH & Radiators

I have recently had wet UFH installed. I have a wired smart thermostat connected to this. I have a wireless temperature sensor and TRVs to control the central heating. However I seem to be having a few problems. Please can someone confirm what the 'zone controller' should be set to in the app for the UFH? Should it be none (independent), should it be the wireless receiver connected to the boiler or should it be the smart thermostat? Thanks


  • For my system we had a 2-zone heating so downstairs (Zone 1) was wet UFH and upstairs with radiators/TRV’s (Zone 2).

    For Zone 1 we had 4 rooms with a wired Tado thermostat in each which was controlled back to a wiring unit. I checked in my app and the Zone Controller for each wired unit was the same as the Tado unit itself.

    For upstairs we had the main wired Tado thermostat in the hallway as the Zone Controller, and all the other rooms/TRV’s were referencing back to the Zone Controller in the hallway.

    Our system has worked as expected so hopefully some similarities from the above may help answer. Best tip is to try, bump your heating to max and check your Rad’s etc get warm and repeat as required.
  • Hello @gdodd1878

    I agree with @Wurls22, best and easiest would be to check which radiators heat up based on the manner you've currently arranged your tado° set-up.

    You might also find the following articles helpful:
    - How does tado° control underfloor heating systems?
    - How does tado° control Heating Zones? How can I change the Zone Controller of a room?

    The second article's 'Example C' might be especially interesting to you as it explains that "no Zone Controller assigned is ideal […] in houses with different Heating Zones for radiators and underfloor heating."

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