w.Intercom = i;Internet dropping out — tado° Community

Internet dropping out

When my internet connection drops, which it does regularly, my boiler appears to be left firing at full force - so in house the temperature rises to apprx 25 degrees unchecked by any thermostat. If i am our of the house this csn mean hours of overheating whichbis dangerous for pets. When at home, until i can get the internet connection back online, i have to turn the boiler off manually in the cellar.
Q: Is there an override setting to shut the boiler heat feed off if the internet connection droos - rather than leavingvit firing ON?
Q: If not - how do i manage this scenario?

Best Answer

  • hugbilly
    hugbilly ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    This is the Achilles heel of the tadoº system, however I'm surprised that the boiler continues firing at above the st temperature since the tadoº devices communicate via their own wireless system. Are you sure it isn't the devices themselves losing contact with one another? NB when the internet goes down the system will stop responding to the schedule but it looks as though (for V3+ users) this situation is being resolved with the instigation of an offline schedule. See pinned post about that in the forum above . . .


  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    edited September 2024

    Hello @CraigS

    It is indeed strange that, when disconnected from the internet, your system would override previous temperature settings and heat at full force. The usual scenario, as described by Hugbilly, would be that your system keeps heating at the temperature it was before losing connection. I think that deserves investigation from tado° support. You can open an issue by clicking on the chatbox at the bottom right of your screen.

    Here is the link to the Offline Schedule mentioned by Hugbilly.