w.Intercom = i;V3+ users can now request Offline Schedule — tado° Community

V3+ users can now request Offline Schedule

Emcee Admin
edited September 9 in General Questions & Topics

Dear community, 

We are happy to announce that, as part of our ongoing tiered rollout, the V3+ Offline Smart Schedule is being made available to interested tado° users via the community forum. 

Due to compatibility considerations, this offer is only available to community members with V3+ heating starter kits or add-on devices (available since 2019).

About Offline Schedule

The Offline Schedule lets measuring devices store and execute scheduled heating in designated rooms, even when internet connection within said rooms is lost.

Once activated, Offline Schedule can only take effect on V3+ measuring devices (visible in the tado° app under settings > Rooms & Devices > RoomName).

V3+ measuring devices consist of: 

  • Smart Radiator Thermostats V3+ (device model VA02 and VA02E)
  • Smart Thermostats V3+ (device model RU02 and RU02B) 
  • Wireless Temperature Sensors V3+ (device model SU02 and SU02B)

Measuring devices measure rooms’ temperature and coordinate the execution of  Smart Schedules with other tado° devices in the Home—as long as these can be reached in the event of downtime. 

Homes without the above-listed V3+ devices should not request the activation of the V3+ offline Smart Schedule since it will have no impact on their devices.

How can I request Offline Schedule?

To request an activation for your tado° Home, please fill-out this form. Please use your account email (found in the tado° app under Settings > People) to sign-up.

Community members who fill-out the form can expect the feature to be implemented within 1-3 weeks of their request. Community members will receive a confirmation email once Offline Schedule is activated for their Home.

You can learn more about the offline schedule feature and how it displays on the tado° app by accessing this article.

What happens if my Home goes offline during my holiday while set to Smart Schedule?

Once the feature is implemented, your tado° devices will follow the Offline Schedule as soon as they go offline, whether you are in Home or in Away Mode. Offline Schedule therefore ensures your set-up continues to follow your Smart Schedule when disconnected.

The above is true even when users are in Away Mode for days at a time (e.g. when users are on holiday). Please keep this in mind and make the necessary adjustments to your Smart Schedule before heading off.

Why aren’t all tado° users with V3+ Homes automatically given access to Offline Schedule? 

To ensure a satisfying experience and consistent device behaviour, tado° has already rolled-out Offline Schedule among select target groups. We have now decided to continue the roll-out among interested community members in order to gather feedback outside the above-mentioned groups. Once you gain access to the Offline Schedule, please tell us about your experience in the thread below. 

Should you need help with your Offline Schedule, do not hesitate to contact tado° support. 



  • Thanks. Just tried to complete the form but it says the following error when clicking the link “You need permission
    This form can only be viewed by users in the owner's organisation.
    Try contacting the owner of the form if you think that this is a mistake. Learn more.”
  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    edited September 2

    @Wurls22 thanks for letting me know, it should work now

  • Yeah all working and just submitted the form.
  • cbd20
    cbd20 ✭✭✭

    @Emcee a couple of quick question if I may?

    Most of my rooms have VA02 smart radiator thermostats, however I have one room with a RU01 smart thermostat as the measuring device. Does this mean I can request offline schedule but this one room won't work, or does it mean that my whole home is discounted from having an offline schedule because of that one device?

    Secondly, tado also controls our hot water. Does hot water also have access to an offline schedule? If so, which device will store its schedule?

  • Hello @cbd20

    Let me answer the last question first: unfortunately, Hot Water schedule cannot be "offline" with this update.

    With regards to your first question, Offline Schedule only works with V3+ Measuring Devices. That means it likely won't work with your RU01 device. I am not 100% sure whether this means you can't have access to offline schedule at all. Let me align with my colleagues on that one… I'll get back to you once I have a definite answer.

  • This is fantastic news - well done tado on listening to your users. Looking forward to getting this activated.

  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    edited September 2

    Hello again @cbd20

    Since your RU01 is the measuring device in your Hall, the Offline Schedule won't work for it and the VA02 linked to it. The only way to make this room work with Offline Schedule would be to make your VA02 the Measuring Device.

    Since all your other rooms are made up of VA02s who act as Measuring Devices, then Offline Schedule should work fine for those.

  • rafm5
    rafm5 Volunteer Moderator

    Hi Emcee,

    Will the app show the user that the Offline Schedule feature is active for their account?

  • Hello @rafm5

    Yes, when it is active, a box like the one in the image should appear.

  • Awesome, thank you 😊

  • cbd20
    cbd20 ✭✭✭

    @Emcee thanks for the quick response, and it aligns with what I was hoping you were going to say, so that's good news.

  • jcwacky
    jcwacky ✭✭✭

    This is amazing! Thank you so much for all the effort that has gone into adding this feature.

    I am, however, struggling to find where in the app displays the device model numbers. I can only see the serial numbers. I know I have a mix of devices, so I would like to check which rooms will be compatible and which won't.

  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    edited September 5

    Hello @jcwacky

    Sometimes the serial numbers' first 4-5 digits indicate which device model you possess (e.g. SU0256789011122314). In those cases, the numbers you've found in your app are probably enough to determine if your devices are compatible with Offline Schedule.
    You can read more about it here.

    This does not apply to all devices, however. @Rob's comments / photographs below explain where to look on devices to determine their model.

  • cbd20
    cbd20 ✭✭✭

    @Emcee I'm not sure that rule always applies…

    My RU01 smart thermostat shows in the app with a serial starting with RU4.

    My VA02 smart radiator thermostats show in the app with serial numbers that start with VA1, VA2 and VA3… but they're definitely all the VA02 version.

    @jcwacky I think the only way to reliably tell is to either look at the sticker on the device itself (next to the battery compartment) which states the model or if you've still got the boxes it'll say there somewhere (perhaps on the paperwork inside).

  • jcwacky
    jcwacky ✭✭✭
    edited September 3

    @Emcee @cbd20 Thanks, yeh, they are not matching for me. The first SRT I checked has the serial starting "VA1635…" and it's model is stated as "VA02".

    I'll see if I can locate the card with all my stickers on it! - Edit: Actually found the card, but no model numbers on the stickers. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • ChrisJ
    ChrisJ ✭✭✭

    This is very good news and I am so pleased that this is finally available. Just to confirm… I have mostly VA02/RU02/SU02 devices (all my measuring devices are VA02/RU02/SU02) but my bridge is an IB01. Will the offline schedule still work for me? I hope so as I just signed up for it…

  • ChrisJ
    ChrisJ ✭✭✭

    @Emcee @cbd20 If you use Home Assistant and the associated Tado integration then HA helpfully reports the model number of every device. Not sure if that helps you or not. And yes, the device serial numbers are not at all consiste with the model numbers.

  • Rob
    Rob Admin
    edited September 3


    Your bridge is fine as the bridge is irrelevant for the offline scheduling. It is the heating device itself that needs to store and execute the schedule. Additionally, the V3+ starterkits all came with the IB01.

    You guys are also correct in that you cannot determine the generation based on the serial number alone. You can kind of deduct it from when you bought the devices though. We switched from producing V3 to V3+ in mid 2018. We also stopped selling V3 and started selling V3+ in September(-ish) 2018, however other vendors might have been selling older stock past that time. So, when you bought tado devices mid 2018 or before it will be V3 or older, and if you bought in 2019 or later it will most likely be V3+.

    For the radiator thermostats it is also visible here. If there is no VA02, it is a VA01.

    For the RU01 versus RU02: If you remove the back plate, you'll see that the RU02 has 2x 3 pins. The RU01 has 1x 6 and 1x 3 pins.

    There was no wireless temperature sensor (SU) for V3 and before, so that will be by definition be V3+.

  • ChrisJ
    ChrisJ ✭✭✭

    @Rob Thanks for confirming Rob. Just curious, once my system has been enabled for Offline Schedules, is there any way I can tell this has occurred without something actually going online and me seeing the message in the app. It would be useful to know when it has been rolled out to my home. Not sure why you can't send an automatic e-mail to people once it has been done (can't be hard…).

  • I have a Smart Thermostat controlling my UFH where the Serial Number starts with RU34 so based on the original post from @Emcee it would not be compatible but when I remove the backplate and check the pin layout it has the 2x 3 pins which based on @Rob post it is an RU02 - Does this mean it is compatible or not?

  • pcone
    pcone ✭✭✭

    @Rob : Is this as simple as the compatible devices having a firmware over 200? (mine are currently on 215.1, but one of my older V2 devices is still on firmware 54.20)

  • @pcone Good point. Yes, the RU01 and VA01 devices have much lower firmware versions. However, if for some reason there will be a future security firmware update for them, I don't know how the firmware number will change. But yes, today, September 4th 2024, this is a good indication.

    @M111CJN I did not have an RU02 around, but I do have an almost decade old RU01. Here is a picture. It shows the pins (3+6) and it has RU01 written on it. What you are describing sounds like a newer (RU02) device. So like I mentioned, the serial number alone does not tell you the generation. It only tells you the type of device with the first two letters.

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    @Rob & @pcone I have A DRU02 Smart thermostat i.e. NOT compatible BUT with Firmware of 215.2

  • @Rob Thanks for the confirmation - it appears my setup is fully compliant for the offline schedule 😀

  • Rob
    Rob Admin
    edited September 5


    For the smart thermostats that can be wired, there are only 3 true hardware generations (revisions are not relevant here), with tado X being the one that is easy to distinguish from the other two. The other two are either RU01 (V2 or V3) produced until mid 2018 or RU02 (V3+) produced since mid 2018. You have RU02s, which are compatible. Please don't overthink this :)

    For the radiator thermostats it is exactly the same.

    For all that read this and wonder what they have. Just follow this, in this order:

    1. V3+ gets the update (radiator thermostats and wall thermostats), V2 and V3 do not.
    2. Do you remember the generation from when you bought it? Was the box labelled as V3+?
    3. V3+ sales started September 2018, V3 production stopped mid 2018. Do you remember when you bought the devices?
    4. For radiator thermostats: see the pictures above for the difference.
    5. For wired thermostats: Look at the pins. 3+3 = V3+, 6+3 = V2 or V3
    6. Currently looking at the firmware number can also help (see @pcone above)

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    @Rob Thanks - small point (?) but 'tis not wired.

  • @samd Yours might not be wired, but it has the ability to be wired. In that sense it's a wired thermostat. But I edited my post just now to make it more clear.

    We also have the optically identical wireless temperature sensor / wireless thermostat V3+, which does not have wiring terminals. That however has a serial starting with SU and is always V3+ (or X)

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    @Rob Understood now - thanks.

  • Fantastic that Tado have finally done this most requested feature. Just to help out about versions: I have a dozen devices and none of the serial numbers start with VA02...
    eg I have a SRT which has a serial number of VA2914..., Apple Homekit says the model is SRT01.
    I have found the only sure way of knowing if you are compatible is to actually look at the device. VA02 and SU02 are clearly printed on them in white writing in a black background.
    Hope this helps.
  • I saw that within the details for requesting the offline functionality it mentioned that there will be no confirmation once this is implemented however will there be any change in firmware revision no.? I was just looking for a less painful solution than killing my internet every couple days to see what Tado does lol.