Air Comfort
The ideal temperature in a room or zone is a matter of personal choice. The degree of humidity is a matter of climate. These vary and should be capable of choice and customisation not a level of humidity and temperature that tado decides should suit everybody regardless of preference and location. Solution. Allow for some customisation in the Air Comfort settings.
Air Comfort settings also need to have seasonal customisations that can be named and implemented as requested. Maybe say four seasonaly customised profiles/options?1
Definitely. Tado often rates our rooms as cold when they are fine for us and equally humid when the house is less humid than outside. Telling me to open a window in the middle of winter is an example of the problem! Hence the need for some user flexibility and customisation.1
👆This too. Sorry busy reiterating my recent post on Tado X Wireless Receiver Thread Border Router network lack of visibility within Apple/Eve Thread Lists to ChatBot SMEs