w.Intercom = i;Radiator thermostat keeps resetting temperature in app — tado° Community

Radiator thermostat keeps resetting temperature in app


I originally set up a smart schedule for my thermostats through the app but have now reverted back to manual control (using the app) because that was too inflexible. The problem I have is that one of my thermostats keeps resetting the temperature back down to the baseline (18° C) that I have in schedule, even though I have switched the device setting to "Manual control on Tado device: until ended by user". Now, I have to remember to go into the app every hour or so and reset the desired temperature because it has dropped back down to 18°. Any ideas of how I can get it to stay at the same temperature without auto-resetting? All other thermostats seem to be fine, just the one giving trouble. Thanks!


Best Answer

  • policywonk
    policywonk ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Dismount the TRV from your App completely. Reset it (there are instructions for that). Then reinstall. If that fails, Tado support should be asked to intervene.