w.Intercom = i;Trying to integrate Wunda Underfloor Heating with Tado — tado° Community

Trying to integrate Wunda Underfloor Heating with Tado


Hi all. We have a Viessman system boiler with integrated hot water tank, all controlled through Tado. I'm renovating a converted garage and have installed a Wunda underfloor heating system with their Wunda Smart control system, but my electrician is having trouble getting the two to operate side by side. My plumber installed two zone valves in the boiler cupboard, one for the underfloor system and one for the radiators in the house.

The electrician can't work out how to wire in the zone valve to the house at the same time as the Tado system and is saying he can only do it by taking out the zone valve to the house rads, so there will be hot water running in the house system every time the underfloor heating is on, although the rads won't be on unless we call for heat in the rooms using the Tado app. This means the two systems aren't really operating independently of each other.

The only other option is to take the hot water off Tado and manage it independently, which isn't ideal.

Has anyone else tried to get Tado and Wunda working in this way? Or have an electrician who has wired their system up and has knowledge of what to do?

Many thanks if anyone can help!


  • policywonk
    policywonk ✭✭✭

    It is likely, given that you have a system boiler, that you've actually got three zones in place:

    1. Radiators
    2. Hot water
    3. The UFH service.

    Please double check.

    That aside, three approaches to suggest:

    a) Have the sparkie set up the wiring for the UFH's two port zone valve, so that Wunda manifold's wiring centre

    • Triggers the UFH zone valve to open when the Wunda system calls for heat,
    • triggers a call for heat on the boiler - from its board - with the wiring going to the main boiler wiring centre.
    • This still leaves potential mismatches between the two different schedules stored on Wunda and Tado. Furthermore the Wunda thermostats will not communicate with the Tado system - so the switching to call for heat and balancing out rooms will not be nuanced.

    b) On top of the wiring for (a) wire in one Tado smart sensor in the most used UFH space, placed alongside one of the Wunda thermostats. Set both thermostats to the same temperature triggers. Then configure the Tado side to recognise that sensor, forcing the Tado wireless receiver to turn on the heating if the space where the UFH is applied actually needs heat. This will slightly improve switching, reduce wastage.

    c) Apply Wunda or Tado across both sides, ensuring that it is all nuanced.

    How many thermostats are you running on the UFH side?

  • Many thanks for the reply policywonk, I'll forward this to my sparkie. There is only one thermostat on the UFH side.

    Do mean wire in one of these alongside the Wunda thermostat?

    Add-on Wireless Temperature Sensor – tado° Shop

    What are the implications of this? :

    It is likely, given that you have a system boiler, that you've actually got three zones in place:

    1. Radiators
    2. Hot water
    3. The UFH service.

    Thanks again