w.Intercom = i;Tado radiator valves not requesting heat — tado° Community

Tado radiator valves not requesting heat

I've been trying to contact Tado support for the past 2 days so they can help resolve my ongoing issues with the radiator valves not requesting heat from the boiler. I've looked through the forum and it appears only tado can make a configuration change to fix this.

It's frustrating that you pay so much money for this product and can't get any support when you need desperately need it. I used chat and it says we will get back to you in a few hours, it's been 48hrs and still no response. I started another chat this morning thinking because it's a weekday, they will be a bit more responsive and to my amazement, the experience is no better.

What is the point of spending so much a product you can't support for when you need it.

Anyone know any other way to contact them besides this chatbot ?


  • @tdadson

    Can you give us details on what tado equipment you have installed and a screenshot of the device pages from the app for one of the TRVs in question

    I'm sure we can help you out here.

  • hugbilly
    hugbilly ✭✭✭
    I find an email to operator@tado-844a35e31252.intercom-mail.com gets a reliable response. NB, are your TRVs assigned to a zone controller, they cannot call for heat unless they are . . .
  • @davidlyall, I have 14 Tado SRVs and 2 Tado Smart Thermostats (all V3). All the SRvs upstairs which are mainly not assigned to a zone controller are able to call for heat on demand (through the app) but the ones downstairs which are assigned to the zone controller, don't seem to call for any heat at all.

    Screenshots attached of 2 devices, one working and other not working.

    Working (Part 1)

    Working (Part 2)

    Not working (Part 1)

    Not working (Part 2)

  • davidlyall
    davidlyall ✭✭✭

    OK, so that's weird!

    TRVs without a zone controller operate in independent mode and cannot call for heat. They only get heat if something else is calling for it.

    Your downstairs rads with a zone controller configured should be able to call for heat.

    Has it always been this way or did the behaviour change recently? I'd be inclined to double check the wiring if it's never worked correctly but that still doesn't explain why independent TRVs are able to call for heat

    Also, you're probably aware but Tado does have a limit of 10 devices that can call for heat. With 14 TRVs and 2 thermostats, you may have exceeded that number. It depends how manyare set as independent (i.e. no zone controller)

  • They were all working last winter. During the summer months, i turned all them off until last month when the weather started getting cold. It's around that time I noticed they were not heating the radiator. I spent weeks trying to investigate it and then suddenly last week from October 16, 17th they started firing up again . I rebooted the bridge before that, because my internet went down briefly that day, and the bridge was not connecting to the internet. After the reboot, everything was working nicely as expected.

    On Friday 18th October, I decided to dd another tado smart thermostat for upstairs, with the intent of creating 2 separate zones (downstairs and upstairs). Whilst installing the new smart thermostat on Friday October 18th, I noticed the 10 device limit per zone controller so at that point I decided to have all the downstairs devices connected to the same zone controller and leave the upstairs devices without a zone controller assigned. The downstairs devices stopped working again since then, even when I tried to test by not assigning them to a zone controller like the upstairs devices and it still didn't work. I tried another test by assigning one of my upstairs devices to the zone controller and strangely,, the one continues to work just fine (see screen shot below).

    Working device upstairs connected to the same zone controller