w.Intercom = i;Select which radiator to use for room temperature — tado° Community

Select which radiator to use for room temperature

In the V3 configuration, I was used to be able to select which temperature value (from which radiator) I wanted to use for room temperature. This is needed, because I have a room with 2 radiator valves, one of which is near the outside wall and way too cold. How can I do this in the X app?

Best Answer

  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello all,

    I've deleted my previous answer to avoid confusion for future community members visiting this thread.

    Here is my updated answer:

    With tado° X, the temperature is always an average of all Smart Radiator Thermostats if there is no Smart Thermostat X or Temperature Sensor X.

    So @jelmerk would need to either buy a Smart Thermostat X or Temperature Sensor X OR regroup devices in 'virtual' rooms (even though in reality they would be located int the same room).


  • I don't believe you can. I'm about to switch to X and I am putting wireless temperature sensors in the 3 rooms downstairs with 2 radiators each as they also have logburners in each room and I have the wireless sensors closer to the logburners so Tado quickly realises the room is heating up by alternate means. 2 rooms upstairs have 2 radiators and I'm going to see how it goes and if it doesn't perform how I want I'll get 2 more wireless sensors.
  • Hello @jelmerk

    Might you be talking about setting a Room Controller? This is possible with X.

    You may also want to consider getting a Smart Thermostat or Temperature Sensor and place it in the room with multiple Smart Radiator Thermostats. That way you can ensure that the controller is placed optimally in said room.

  • No it's not about the room controller, that needs to remain my wireless receiver. I realize that all could be solved getting a Wireless Temperature Sensor. But I don't mind that the readings are slightly inaccurate (it's a bathroom), but I would expect to be able to indicate which one of the 2 TRV's should "take the lead" without having to spend another 70 EUR on a sensor…

  • At least if support could tell you which one was leader you could swap the SRTs around so that the leader was on the radiator you think is most appropriately positioned to measure the room temp.
  • HGB
    HGB ✭✭✭

    Tado told me that Tado if there is more than one SRT or a combination of a WTS and one or more SRT's the temperature wil be the average of the installed devices. So there is no leader.

  • If that's true that is shockingly bad and makes the WTS a complete waste of money. I'm sure a Tado rep posted something different but I'm a bit short of time to go searching through posts at the moment. If any Tado admin is reading this could they please clarify this?
  • Thanks for updating the answer. I'll monitor it a bit and see if I need to buy a temperature sensor, or move the one Wireless Thermostat that I do own to that bathroom.