w.Intercom = i;Strange thermostat display — tado° Community

Strange thermostat display

Newbie here, but on a few occasions I’ve gotten strange display on my wireless thermostat,
Now, compared to my wired thermostat, upstairs, the faceplate fits the base plate with no movement. Unlike the wireless thermostat the bottom clip doesn’t engage properly.
Now, since the wire thermostat has terminals on the baseplate, it’s important to have a good connection,
I don’t know if there is anything involved in the baseplate of the wireless thermostat to account for these strange feedback/ readings …


  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator

    hello @lowcarbon Hmm. I’ve not seen your display images on five wireless stats in two family homes. The left dot matrix image looks like a strange variation of the ‘home’ dots, the right dot matrix does not look like the the usual temperature display. My initial reaction is a faulty wireless thermostat display.

  • lowcarbon
    edited November 24
    Front plate is loose and was wondering if there was anything in the backplate ( antenna maybe) that could cause this ?
    I could find a way to tighten things up, would probably void warranty
  • I'd contact support and show them these screenshots. I have not seen this before.

  • Thanks Rob,

    (I’m industrial maintenance electrician )
    When first installed about 2 weeks ago, I was putting it down to item been on stock shelf for long time, unfortunately it happened again yesterday