w.Intercom = i;Starting a New Chat — tado° Community

Starting a New Chat

Can anyone explain to me how to start a new support chat? I've looked using both Chrome and Safari and i see no "new chat" button. If I click "Messages" I see recent old threads. (closed) but no way of starting a new one.


Best Answer

  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @tulloch

    I see you are in contact with Helena now, so I suppose you were able to start a new chat. For future reference you can find instructions on how to use the company's live chat here.


  • yes, I had to use the Tado app to do so, but I'm not seeing the replies there. What with threads that vanish from chat this is getitng both confusing and frustrating.

  • Hello @tulloch

    Apologies for the confusion. Once you submit your email address, you should be able to do all your correspondence from your email. That might be easier than through the chat window.