w.Intercom = i;Tado from Germany same as in the UK? — tado° Community

Tado from Germany same as in the UK?

Good afternoon,

I’m looking into buying a Tado for my home as well and as I am travelling between Germany and the UK a fair bit I am having an eye on the “Wireless Smart Thermostat X - Starter Kit + Smart Radiator Thermostat Quattro Pack X” as it is on offer in Germany at the moment. My question now: Is it exactly the same as the “Wireless Smart Thermostat X - Starter Kit incl. Programmer with Hot Water Control and OpenTherm” in the UK? I am a bit confused as the one in Germany looks like it needs to be connected to electricity as well and not just into the boiler like the one over here.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks and best regards,




  • It is an odd thing. Both Tado moderators who often watch over this forum have gone through a lot of trouble to point out that the differences between EU related products and UK products comes down to the fact that there is a trend in the EU to use combi boilers, normally digitally controlled, without zone valves; whereas in Britain we tended to install old-school analogue on-off switched boilers with zone vavles distributing heat. Over time Britain moved increasingly to digital controlled boilers, but wanted to keep its hot water tanks for bathrooms and zone valves. So there are differences.

    1. Do both homes run similar Opentherm boilers?
    2. Are both boilers combi boilers, offering direct hot water when called for?
    3. Does the UK home have zone valves requiring some switches to be operated through the thermostats?

    If you have chosen homes where (1) and (2) are true, your Tado systems are almost identical and it may be best to use Tado products from Germany in the UK. The variance for (3) may require some small changes but they arent significant.

    If you could clarify that would help.