Problem when get schedule with tado api
Using python I can login and get some basic information. However using the RESTful API via{home_id}/zones/{zone_id}/schedule
I receive {"errors":[{"code":"accessDenied","title":"current user is not allowed to access this resource"}]}
is this access somehow restricted. has anyone a working example.
I tried also to use libtado. However I got the same error
Best Answer
Hello @moin_moin_moin
You might be better off posing this question in the API thread. The people who already posted there (who are probably most familiar with the API) will get a notification when you do. They might be able to help.
From my side, all I can say is that, although tado° has made its V generation API public, it does not aim to support customers using it.0
@moin_moin_moin may I suggest that your api questions are way outside the competence of most Tado users. I’ve copied @emcee and @rob to see if the Tado admins can help.