w.Intercom = i;Tado X wireless receiver without internet connection — tado° Community

Tado X wireless receiver without internet connection


I just bought the Wireless Smart Thermostat X starter kit (Wireless Receiver X +  Wireless Temperature Sensor X) with some smart radiator valves and I thought that without an internet connection they would just follow the normal schedule.

But I tried and even if the valves and the wireless thermostat can talk to each other just fine without internet, the Wireless receiver X (which is the one actually connected to the boiler) doesn't engage heat mode so the boiler doesn't start even if one of the thermostats asks for it.

I connected first the thermostat and the valves with matter to a Homey Pro because I already use it as a thread border router for other devices and then added them to the tado app with the qr code just fine but the wireless receiver X doesn't have any matter QR code to use it to pair to another thread border router.

Is that the reason why without internet they cannot communicate with the wireless receiver?


  • I am interested in this question too. I couldn't find a Tado X specific answer to this question, but I think there is some information from Tado v3 that I suspect is still relevant.

    So far I interpret that the Tado scheduling and overall control is done remotely and therefore needs Internet connection. I saw one comment somewhere about a tentative/future/possibility of having offline scheduling control, but having seen nothing further I wonder if that is happening any time soon or not? Can anyone confirm or correct?

    This thread talks about installation and the mobile app, but I don't think addresses the thermostat to Wireless Receiver question you are asking: (deliberately putting as plain text, not expanded to hyperlinks to avoid the delay for manual moderation of links in community forum posts)

    • https://help.tado.com/en/articles/9405303-how-can-i-install-and-operate-my-tado-x-devices-without-an-internet-connection

    These articles and discussions are from Tado v3, but I suspect the overall Tado scheduling and control mechanisms is probably same/similar for Tado X:

    • https://support.tado.com/en/articles/3477781-what-happens-when-the-internet-connection-is-temporarily-lost-can-i-still-control-my-heating-or-air-conditioning-using-tado
    • https://community.tado.com/en-gb/discussion/25330/what-happens-if-i-have-no-internet