w.Intercom = i;Inconsistent options in Tado app on two different Android devices — tado° Community

Inconsistent options in Tado app on two different Android devices

I have two Samsung Galaxy devices (Galaxy Tab S9 and Galaxy S22). On both devices the Tado app is installed with same version (8.31.0)

I have 6 Tado X thermometers.

On my Galaxy S22 I have the "Link Device" options on 3 of the 6 thermometers. Why do I only have this option on half of them?

On my Galaxy Tab S9 I do not have this option on any of the Thermostats. Why is this inconsistent with what I see on my Galaxy S22?

Both devices is on same network and same frequency.

This makes absolutely no sense.


  • Hi. Have you ensured that both apps are upto date at the Play app? If so, suggest you contact support:

    These email addreses might be helpful. Write to them. One of the geeks should be in a position to help. If no decent response, come back here and we'll try and help you push.

    • contact@tado.com
    • operator@tado-844a35e31252.intercom-mail.com