w.Intercom = i;Converting Ideal combi+ logic with wired relay thermostat to Tado on OpenTherm — tado° Community

Converting Ideal combi+ logic with wired relay thermostat to Tado on OpenTherm


I don't know anything about boilers or electrics but I have an Ideal Logic+ Combi C30 boiler and so far I worked out that my current thermostat is a wired Honeywell that clicks on and off. Based on the Tado website, it looked like I could swap this for a wired Tado V3+ starter kit?

However, from looking at this forum, it looks as though I might get efficiency savings if I used OpenTherm. My boiler seems to be compatible with OpenTherm but presumably is not currently wired as such. I've looked for posts about similar situations on this forum, but most people seem to be switching from a wireless receiver. So my question is as follows-

What would be the simplest way of moving from my current setup to Tado via OpenTherm?

Would I need to get an EU wireless Tado installed on the boiler and disconnect the old wired thermostat (making the wires to that redundant)? I'm in the UK but I understand that the UK wireless V3+ doesn't support OpenTherm? Does an EU wireless Tado need to be rewired to a UK plug or is using an adapter sufficient?

Or is there a way to connect the wired Tado V3+ with OpenTherm?
