w.Intercom = i;Replacing a Tado wired Smart Thermostat with a Tado Wireless Smart Thermostat — tado° Community

Replacing a Tado wired Smart Thermostat with a Tado Wireless Smart Thermostat

Hi all

I currently have a Tado V3+ smart thermostat hard wired to a Tado V3+ Bridge. The location of the thermostat and wiring is historic and due to a remodelling of the house this thermostat is simply in the wrong place. Because of its location the heating is constantly trying bring the heating up to temperature in the stat location making the rest of the house too warm. I've currently combatted this by reducing the 'call' temperature down to 18.5°C and turning down the 'non smart thermostatic radiator valves' in each room to achieve a house wide average of around 21°C.

My question, is this the best way/ most economical way to solve my issue or would it be better/ possible to install a Tado wireless smart thermostat in a more suitable location and disconnect the hard wired thermostat?


  • eezytiger
    eezytiger ✭✭✭
    edited January 15

    I have a full Tado V3+ setup, with a smart wired thermostat in the hall with the bypass radiator, eight SRTs on all the other radiators and one wireless temperature sensor.

    Despite having the full set, I actually operate my system in a fashion quite similar to your current setup. The only real difference is that I have my kitchen SRT (coldest room in the house) controlling the boiler, with the actual smart wired thermostat used simply for switching the boiler on and off as commanded by the kitchen. All my other rooms are set to "independent" meaning that the SRTs are semi-dumb. They can open and close to a schedule, but cannot cause the boiler to fire. So, schedule aside, they are not that far removed in operation from traditional dumb TRVs. The exception is the precision of control and monitoring offered.

    This is all a long winded way of saying that the cheapest option might be to leave things exactly as they are - assuming it works well enough.

    You could switch the smart wired thermostat to a smart wireless thermostat, but it still needs wiring to the boiler, with the wireless part being mobile. And it's a bit pricey.

    Alternatively you could simply buy a wireless temperature sensor as an addition to your existing smart wired thermostat. You could turn the temperature right down (or just a little bit) on your smart wired thermostat and let the wireless temperature sensor take control entirely, placing it wherever you like - lounge during the day, bedroom at night, or whatever suits.

    However, a smart radiator thermostat would offer equivalent function and could be used on one of the radiators for better control. For some inexplicable reason an SRT usually costs less than a WRT, despite having more components and functionality.

    With all that said, pricing of Tado products changes a lot (on Amazon at least) and today does not look a good time to buy.