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Tado Marketing Test



  • Unless you want an answer in the form of pitchforks and torches, i do suggest a different approach to this.

  • AndyE
    edited February 17
    @Emcee I note that you say this is part of a marketing initiative.
    I received a notification this morning that the app would become subscription only from 19th February. However, I would still be able to control my thermostats manually. In other words the system would become pretty much useless.
    When I went to subscribe I found I was required to provide further information. Only at this point did I find that this was a marketing exercise.
    First observation: this is an entirely unethical way to conduct marketing. It is, in effect, threatening to remove a service in order to induce a response.
    Secondly, I really do wonder about the competence of the people running Tado, a glitch filled, clunky system, that they should consider that this is an appropriate and useful way of conducting market research as opposed to a tactic to alienate and anger it's user base.
  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    edited February 17

    Ok let's say we did announce it our approach was "€1 per month, get over it", wouldn't it be better if this decision were backed by customer feedback? So far, the feedback we've gotten from this test has been negative across the board (here, Reddit, Facebook groups, etc…). This will help our management team make an informed decision on how to move forward. As you've pointed out, I don't make these decisions, but I can confirm with you that most customer-facing employees at tado° predicted that the feedback would be negative. Now there is tangible proof, which is better than mere predictions.

  • DamianT
    edited February 17
    If you rollout this, I'll consider to totally dump your system. Charging extra for the schedules or remote TRV control, makes the whole system just like any other non-smart TRVs we know for ages. If I would like to have a simple TRV that I can manually operate, I'd buy one in a DIY store for 6-7 euros not 80-90 per piece.

    Tado hardware is more than overpriced. The whole thing was that people were buying your pricey products (including myself) because the basics were working without any subscriptions, just out of the box.
    Personally it was why I choose tado in the first place.
    If you strip it down from the app, how do you tell people to buy your gear instead them picking the most basic heating product your competition makes, which costs a fraction of tado and works fine offline with Google home or homekit via ZigBee or matter? They will literally give more for less.

    Many of us told you years ago that we don't need your servers. The problem is - you made a mistake already in the developing phase to relay fully on internet connectivity. If the system could operate mostly offline, maintaining the schedules, you would save money on servers and your customers would be more than happy having a reliable hardware that works.

    To add up the constant hidden information about what tweaks and tricks could be run via customer support to tailor the system to my needs and setup, my opinion about tado is getting worse every year.

    Paid app will be as we say in my country "the nail to your coffin".

    And please don't say it's a test. We all know how it will end. The server problems and lags we faced last year are the cause of such (mis)communication.
    Seriously - a test that nowhere says it's a test?

    We've been there when you introduced paid geofencing with the V3 bridge.
  • Communication is key. Paid core functionnality on a premium priced product (even on the downgraded X version) will kill tado.

  • StuC
    edited February 17
    I think we should cool it a bit and look at what’s happening. Tado clearly want input on this idea and boy are they getting it. Kudos to @Emcee for showing up here in the face of so much push back.

    That said this is very disappointing. Like many I bought tado knowing there was no subscription and I paid a premium for the hardware. If tado feels the need to introduce a subscription because of rising costs, that’s understandable from a business perspective but I think customers need more options.

    Have tado considered a firmware update that adds matter to existing devices so we can use them with other platforms? That would give us choice to use platforms without costs and would effectively remove the overhead from tado’s servers.

    @Emcee I trust you when you say this is a test - but you only test things you want to learn. Some transparency into what the subscription options could be and future rollout plans would go some way to helping us understand the full picture.
  • EmbattledGecko
    edited February 17

    "This will help our management team make an informed decision on how to move forward."

    No it won't, because your results are almost certainly invalid.

    You'd have to be insane to simply add a message to the app for existing users saying you will be charging them in two days time or locking them out of their apps. Hence what you are market testing does not reflect how you would introduce a fee in practice and the test is not valid.

    Typically you would warm existing users up over email, better communicate why it is being done, even offer something in return. Tado should have mocked up the options and sent them out in a questionnaire to users. You can then actually get some proper feedback on how best to introduce the charge, the level it should be at, the criteria to use (eg. Tado X only) etc.

    In some ways I'm glad Tado did this, because something that may actually have had a chance now (hopefully) won't get done. I even wonder if someone internally was instructed to run the exercise, and deliberately made sure it returned an invalid result. In which case, please pass on my thanks!

  • @Emcee I have been a Tado evangelist for many years now and I've lost count of the number of families I've helped install your products but if this happens I will NEVER recommend your system again. If you want to do this for NEW customers, where they KNOW what they are signing up for then fine, but it would be disgraceful if you inflict this on your existing customer base. This is classic bait and switch and should be deplored.

  • Soleous
    edited February 17

    As someone wise (Louis Rossmann) once said, "this sounds like a you problem, not a me problem"…

    But now I have lost trust, if Tado say they have heard the community, I don't know if I can trust this won't become an issue in the future. This product is proprietary and has 'vendor lock-in', which makes me concerned, especially as this angle is financial in focus.

    The only thing I can think of from Tado is fixing the route cause and opening the platform. IMO Tado's Matter implementation has not done this. If external services are becoming costly (you problem), fix the reliance on external services. I can think of many ways of doing this, as has other vendors.

    IMO Tado's Matter implementation is poor, with known issues. In its current state it isn't open and coexistance isn't feasable. Maybe if Tado has a fully open and local platform, then cloud services can become an extra, but you have been selling this as a complete system, with cloud services.

  • This is shocking if implemented ! Will be moving out to new system if it happens :o
  • This stupid "test" has gone too far, people are getting locked out now :/ Probably someone went a little bit too far with developing the UI modal, kinda you know like it was going to be implemented :D

    This has been beyond poorly handled by Tado, it's time to turn off the "test" and throw the idea in the bin. Ya'll messed this one up bad.

  • @Disgruntl3dUK are you using the testflight version?