w.Intercom = i;CH No and HW No live when no demand — tado° Community

CH No and HW No live when no demand

I have an issue with the boiler which has started to run constantly even if there is no demand for heat or hot water. As I have only installed the Tado recently I checked the wiring and have found then when there is no demand for heating or water the CH No and HW No are still live. Is this right? System has worked perfectly until yesterday.


  • policywonk
    policywonk ✭✭✭
    edited February 17

    Please describe what you have, the boiler, the specific Tado products. Also contact Tado support immediately need a remote diagnostic conducted on its state.

    Then remove all power to your wireless receiver. disconnect the COM wires for 20 mins. Then power back up. Do the NO ports go live again immediately?

    Then try this. At the app turn of all heating. Do the NO ports remain live?

    Assuming you are running this in Relay mode, is there a chance that the wiring centre thats by your boiler, presumably near the zone valves, has been inappropriately tampered with?

    If so, pull the entire kit, and prepare to return it to the retailer and ask for a replacement kit. If Tado does not respond within 3 working days, I suggest you do just that, decommissioning everything from the app and when the new stuff is fitted, add it into the app and start again.

  • Thanks Policywonk. It seemed to be the contacts sticking in the controller. I sharp tap to the box seemed to have solved the problem. After reading some post in this community, it seems to be an issue.

  • Get support to replace the wireless receiver ASAP. It means there is a dry joint on the pcb and it will get worse.