w.Intercom = i;Tado X system firing heating on/off incorrectly — tado° Community

Tado X system firing heating on/off incorrectly

edited February 26 in General Questions & Topics

Hi community, looking for an idea on whether I have a hardware issue or if there's a bug with the firmware.


  • S Plan system
  • 1 Tado X Programmer X with Hot Water Control and OpenTherm
  • 1 Wireless Temperature Sensor X
  • 1 Smart Radiator Thermostat X

I've found that the system works fine 80-90% of the time, it's definitely wired correctly also (has been installed nearly 2 months and was installed professionally by an electrician), but then the system does seem to signal to turn off heating (and close the motorised valves etc.) say every 10-15 minutes, I hear the heating firing back up and valves reopening. Looking in the app, it's up to temperature, often exceeding the target by say 0.5 degrees but still showing either 1 or 2 wavy lines on the heating icon. Not only is this really annoying, it's un-necessarily turning on and off the boiler and makes me think the tado system is unreliable.

I have the thermostats connected via Matter in Home Assistant but do not control it from there; it's just for the data. Everything runs on a schedule in the app; the schedule for both thermostats is identical intentionally. As you can see from the screenshots it's not as though one thermostat is below and one above temperature; both are above, but keep firing the system on/off intermittently.

Any thoughts appreciated!


  • Hey, I've noticed something similar with the system and to me it sounds like a software issue with Tado X.

    When I had encountered such situation, I had reset the room thermostat and typically once back on the system would then recognise that the temperature is above the setpoint and not call for heat anymore.

    Out of curiosity - would you be able to check if the reset works for you too, please?

  • lee_s
    edited February 27

    Thanks @SamuraiJack yes I happen to have tried resets previously and that seems to help it for a couple days. Do you regularly reboot/reset the thermostat as a workaround? I've rebooted it now and seems fine so far, will keep an eye how long it takes for it to start being problematic again.

    Seems like there's definitely a bug somewhere that Tado need to investigate and fix

  • Thanks for checking, so at least it proves that it's definitely a software issue then.

    Would be good for Tado to look into it. @Emcee is this something that could be flagged up to the development team, please?

    @lee_s in my instance I only reset those temperature sensors, when I see that those overshoots start to go above a certain level.
  • policywonk
    policywonk Volunteer Moderator
    You originally started that your setup had the following features:

    S Plan system
    1 Tado X Programmer X with Hot Water Control and OpenTherm
    1 Wireless Temperature Sensor X
    1 Smart Radiator Thermostat X

    Here's an odd thing. No mention made of a wired tado thermostat. Was that intentional or an omission? It might explain why you are getting the results you see.
  • Hello @policywonk, this is with the following Tado starter kit, so there isn't a wired tado thermostat. https://uk.shop.tado.com/products/wireless-smart-thermostat-x-starter-kit-incl-programmer-with-hot-water-control-and-opentherm The wireless thermostat is in the same place as the old wired thermostat was, this was disconnected/isolated.

    The "Wireless Receiver X Manual (UK)" professional installer manual has been followed and is wired accordingly as it's the receiver effectively taking the place of both the old programmer and wired stat.

  • Just a note that I've observed this happening again so less than 24hrs. Room stat exceeding temperature, had closed the valve but app still shows calling for heat. Restarted the room stat (holding down middle button for 6 seconds) and it's resolved it for now.

    Definitely a bug somewhere! Not overly impressed with the system so far as a result.

  • policywonk
    policywonk Volunteer Moderator

    This is serious.

    1. Do check that the zone valve is being rolled open and shut at the right times (test it to be sure). If you are sure, it seems that communication between the smart TRV and the wireless receiver isnt moving at an acceptable speed. Technically not fit for purpose.
    2. Contact support. If they dont give you a constructive position within a tolerable time frame, contact the retailer which sold you that kit and ask for a replacement kit.
    3. Fit it and if you have the same problem, or something else gets in the way, come back here. Will keep you on my watch list.

    We arent Tado staff, just end users who've worked through stuff, but we can help move things sometimes.

  • Thanks @policywonk ! I have reached out to support so will see. Regarding the zone valve it does seem that the "smart" programmer is firing it on and off intermittently when this happens for example 17:11 closes the valve and stops calling for heat. Then 17:15 fires up boiler again and reopens valve. Good plan about replacement kit if need be

  • policywonk
    policywonk Volunteer Moderator

    Keep us informed. Support has the capacity to run data on whats happens at the thermostat and at the wireless receiver. Just for information: whats the exact model of boiler?