w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Firmware release notes / changelog [firmware 85.1] — tado° Community

Firmware release notes / changelog [firmware 85.1]

rafm5 Volunteer Moderator
edited June 2022 in General Questions & Topics

Why at Tado° you are so offensive about releasing firmware release notes / changelog to the public?

What's new in firmware 85.1 just released for wired thermostats - this is nowhere to be found.

102 million usd put into Tado° and no dedicated resource for such an easy task?

@Germán; @Jurian

Best Answers

  • Jurian
    Jurian Admin
    edited June 2021 Answer ✓

    Hello everyone,

    In general, we do not communicate release notes for firmware updates. We see firmware as a means to get a software/app experience, all features are thus communicated when there are app updates.

    The firmware usually contains the required underlying technical improvements to make these software improvements possible. In addition, most firmware releases also contain general bugfixes/stability improvements based on feedback from the community and bugreports from the field.

    Because we have to release the firmware weeks/months before the release of new app features (to make sure nearly all devices are actually updated), we can't go into details about what the firmware contains.

    We do staggered roll outs of firmware releases, hence it is completely normal that only part of your devices have received certain updates. All other devices will usually follow in the weeks after, and there is no way to speed that process up from your side. There is also no urgency to do so, since the additional functionality will still require an app update in most cases anyway.

    If you experience any bugs/issues after a firmware release, always feel free to report it to our support teams using the chat on www.tado.com . This will then be forwarded to our development teams.

    @GrayDav4276 @rafm5 I merged your topics to keep the discussion central.

  • rafm5
    rafm5 Volunteer Moderator
    Answer ✓


    IMHO every project released to production should contain the change log.

    Whether this is just a generic 'general bug fixes' or a very detailed description how otherwise IT can test and debug?

    I understand that this won't generate a profit, but such a task falls under value add service.



  • Unknown
    edited May 2021
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  • so this is maybe the answer at why for the past 2 days my Smart Thermostat is keeping my boiler on even when all TRVs are off

  • Unknown
    edited June 2021
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  • rafm5
    rafm5 Volunteer Moderator

    @GrayDav4276 it doesn't,, but shows to admins to pull the socks up and do something about it.

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  • @GrayDav4276 Thanks for your further feedback. I understand you would like to get further insights/control. However, I do think that my previous answer clearly explains why we are not publishing any public change notes for firmware at this time. Furthermore, I have explained that firmware updates always come automatically and firmware updates are a requirement to receive the latest features, bug fixes and security updates.

    How do we communicate changes:

    Please check the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to see the change notes of the new app release. All new features are always communicated in those change notes.

    Bigger new features sometimes even come with a mailing and/or a "new in the app" screen upon first opening the new version of the app.

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  • rafm5
    rafm5 Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @Jurian

    I acknowledge your response, but don't really agree with it.

    Different operating system = different hardware / software = different changelog. Probably even different teams working on referent tasks, managed by different project manager. What's in AppStore is for iOS devices only. Why would an iOS developer be responsible for changelog for a wired thermostat, that's not their role.

    If there is a glitch only with a wired thermostat why would you advertise it in the AppStore?

    cc: @GrayDav4276

  • Rob2
    Rob2 ✭✭✭

    I think you should not over-estimate the size of the company and especially the development department.

    When there really would be different teams (as suggested by Jurian when he writes "This will then be forwarded to our development teams") their actual output is disturbingly low. Not much has changed in several years, even in areas where it is very obvious that something has to be done.

    Just looking at what we get and how much time that takes (new features, changes in user interface, etc) it looks like a single-person effort, maybe lately extended with a new guy to speed things up a bit.

  • @GrayDav4276 To remove yourself from the beta programme, you should go to the app store and then go to the BETA/Testflight settings. There you should be able to remove yourself from the beta.

    @rafm5 Changelogs are not used for reporting glitches? We have a separate platform (status.tado.com) to report on major outages/bugs. You are able to subscribe to that service and even receive email updates.

    If you feel that you have been affected by a bug caused by a firmware update/app update, I highly suggest you contact our support directly.

    @Rob2 I have to disagree, In the past months the release cycle for new features has increased compared to last year where we had to focus on internal improvements to allow for rapid scaling of the total amount of connected devices. These recently introduced improvements come to mind: rechargeable support for VA02 smart radiator thermostats, reworked manual mode screen with 0.5 degree accuracy for Smart Radiator zones, quick actions for global control, a lot of improvements on the DIY step by step installation, ability to link/unlink rooms from the "heat source controller" etc..

    Currently we are working on the smart schedule improvements.

  • rafm5
    rafm5 Volunteer Moderator

    @Jurian My comment refers to your previous answer where you encourage people to use AppStore changelog.

    And I state ''If there is a glitch only with a wired thermostat why would you advertise it in the AppStore changelog''

  • As a recent user of Tado have to say I'm surprised that firmware info isn't shown, I've tried to find just a list of dates for firmware but to no avail.
    In terms of fault finding knowing when a new firmware was applied is essential, also knowing roughly what the fix/change was, is also helpful.
    If my device starts to have issues at the same time as a firmware update is apllied there is a strong possibility that the events are linked.
    By not making this information available it builds a barrier between Tado and the user.
  • Andreplusplus
    Andreplusplus Volunteer Moderator

    I totally disagree with most of the comments above. Firmware in the devices should not impact the end-user’s experience.

    If you’d like to report an issue, you can just mention the firmware version and tado can look into it. Release notes would not add anything. It would be more in the areas of ‘datagram xyz added to support blah blah blah’ or ‘change in calibration routine’ or ‘fixed issue with Opentherm and brand X/type Y boiler’ etc.

    For the apps and website it may be useful (but other ways are used to communicate new functionality like the notifications within the app too) as changes to functionality or fixes of an issue (like the recent android temp compensation ‘loading’ glitch) may be worthwhile mentioning.

    If I have my car repaired at the garage I also don’t really matter that they replaced some part (which is compatible and supported) which may differ a bit from the part that’s replaced. I don’t care about any ‘release notes’ for that.

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  • andyblac
    andyblac ✭✭✭

    @GrayDav4276 posted in your other reply on this topic.

  • Andreplusplus
    Andreplusplus Volunteer Moderator

    @GrayDav4276 It’s about the app, that’s not about the devices firmware. For the app I would say yes release notes are welcome. For firmware not sommich see above.

    And about the Android bug, it is supposed to be fixed in 6.46.1 (but not yet in beta version 6.47.0 should you have that version)

  • andyblac
    andyblac ✭✭✭
    edited April 2022

    @Andreplusplus it seems 6.46.1 has been released, it just it may not have been pushed to you yet, you could manually install it from here.

  • Unknown
    edited April 2022
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  • Andreplusplus
    Andreplusplus Volunteer Moderator

    Yes, that’s the beta version, most likely to be updated this Monday. 6.46.1 should have the fix

  • @Andreplusplus I've had cars where I'm told what the software upgrades/firmware will do, eg an anomaly on a sensor causing a missfire, to increase efficiency or to reduce wear.
    Computer firmware updates tell me what the firmware does eg increases compatibility with devices, makes a device more energy efficient or adds features, smartphone firmware might fix an issue with the Bluetooth. On one occasion I was able to pin a new Bluetooth error onto the just released firmware, my phone manufacturer acknowledged it was a new bug and a new release made within a week. Without this info we are in the dark. We can report an issue and report the firmware number, and plausible deniability comes into play, and your just told it must be a signal problem.
  • Unknown
    edited April 2022
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  • Rob2
    Rob2 ✭✭✭

    "What confuses me is why this bug was not sorted in the Beta version.....and why oh why was there no comments from tado° regarding this."

    Tado is not the only manufacturer where a Beta version and the feedback received from it does not really influence the release schedule. Lots of manufacturers treat a Beta version just like a staggered roll out. Beta users receive the version first, but all the regular users get it later no matter what bugs were reported in the Beta version. Those reports just go back to the development team but they do not hold back the release.

  • A lot of comments are not commenting on the android software releases. This is completely different to firmware which is essentially software working inside the device eg TRV or receiver. The firmware is easier to release without bugs as the hardware is generally fixes except the boiler/heat pump etc .
    Android is much harder as there are literally hundreds of thousands of possible configurations. iOS is more simple as apple runs a tight ship in terms of hardware configs.
    When you agree to be a beta tester you agree that there may be new problems in exchange for receiving new functionality before other people.
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