Summer mode

My son has a Netatmo system and during the summer, the connected valves calibrate every 2 weeks, even when the thermostat is off, so that the thermostatic heads do not get calcified or stuck (which may happen if the valve is fully closed for a couple months). With Tado, I need to take all my programming to put the valves at 25 degrees so that they remain open during the summer, then turn off my boiler (a Viessmann boiler, that does not have a summer mode), which means that the valves appear not remotely reachable, and then do the opposite before winter, which is a pain... The Netatmo system would probably not be very complicated to implement in Tado...

16 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • I would like to see this feature as well.
  • Hello!

    Dear Tado, why have there been no answers to these summer programs for years? Don’t they feel this is important despite the myriad requests?


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