w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Support multiple schedule configurations such as spring etc.. - Page 5 — tado° Community

Support multiple schedule configurations such as spring etc..



  • Kds51h
    edited December 2022

    I've been watching this thread for well over a year. They are useless in working on suggestions.

    This facility should not be very difficult for Tado to implement as we already have different schedules for Everyday (the same), Mon-Fri + Sat & Sun and Everyday (different).

    Come on Tado pull your finger out (I'm going to put a poor review on the App and comment they are rubbish in responding). Maybe it lots of us comment on the poor response they may take notice.

  • I know that “Home” and “Away” are basically profiles but I think it would be useful to have more. For example I’d like to save my current settings as a “Winter” profile.
  • royi
    royi ✭✭✭
    edited December 2024

    Unfortunately, it's not possible to name profiles.

    You could configure the Schedule Days, then select the appropriate one when required.

  • Chapstar37
    Chapstar37 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2024
    Summer Winter Autumn and Spring would be useful along with Custom
  • Unknown
    edited December 2024
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  • Please enable to set future settings, eg. for planned holidays.
  • James_W_1976
    edited December 2024
    Totalling agree with this thread.

    We, like a lot of people,…. Go to work Mon-Fri, kids go to school. Home and Away profiles all set up and working fine 👍🏻.

    NOW….. Its Christmas holiday time, Im at home for the next 2weeks and i want/need to change the schedule. … and in 2 weeks time, put it sll back again. 😡

    Something as simple as a few customisable profiles could be really useful!

    1. Home (default)
    2. Away (default)
    3. User 1 (Xmas hols 🎄)
    4. User 2. (Eco setting ✅)
    5. User 3 (Im feeling the cold 🥶)

    So 3x user customisable profiles, ….for me… i would have one for xmas time. This would be very different to my usual setting,

    Sometimes I am feeling a little green and eco, so I could choose this profile, closing off some radiators, introducing more A/C if the sun is shining on the solar panels and generally turning down temperatures. Boosting your Energy IQ score!

    Also, Sometimes we sll feel the cold more than usual, or Great Aunt Doris is coming over for coffee and cake and you know she likes it toasty and warm.

    The problem with the current App version is that there is no way of adding any kind of profile other than Home or Away. So to make any change is permanent until you change it again. This is a pain in the backside !

    Something so simple could be so powerful.
  • Hi All, I’m a novice with Tado and first time in this community so I might have missed some development on this thread.

    Has it really been YEARS that Tado have ignored such a valid request for improvement? Amazing!!!

    I get the feeling Tado are waiting until enough people register their discontent before they deem it worthwhile to address the problem.

    In another part of the community forum maybe ‘Suggestions’ site, there is a request for this functionality and the Votes are currently at 49.

    Does anyone know how many votes are needed to get some attention from Tado?

    Kds51h - your last post was back in December 2022, it’s now February 2024, have you had any reaction at all?

    Come on Tado, are you listening?

  • @TadNube take a look at the top two suggestions that both have around 500 votes.
    Both are much more fundamental and important, but nothing from Tado for 5 years...
    ... don't hold your breath
  • @johnbur , thanks for the reply. Subsequent to my initial post I did find another discussion thread on the same subject of Scheduling options and that is up to 290 votes.

    What with the two suggestions of 500 votes each, the 49 I found plus the 290 I just mentioned, that is well over a reasonable 1k of interested parties asking for action.

    I wonder what Tado’s threshold is before they choose to listen?

  • @TadNube as far as I can tell, sadly tado don't monitor these forums at all anymore.
  • @johnbur , well, the lady on the Tado Help Desk advised me this, “I kindly ask you to leave your feature request in the tado° Community, so it can be discussed and voted on by our Community members. That feedback then helps us determine what we should change, and which features we should develop further.”

    I guess if Tado never monitor, they are not aware of these requests, so there can’t be any demand! Job done.

  • As of 3rd Feb 2024, it seems like loads of similar requests in addition to this one (291 votes) that I can find with a quick search of the forum...

    Allow additional schedules in addition to Home and Away (29 votes)

    Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter settings (49 votes)

    Winter/Summer (9 votes)

    Winter, Autumn, Summer Schedule (3 votes)

    Summer/Winter Mode (16 votes)

    Zones or Seasons (3 votes)

    TOTAL of at least 400 votes (but seems like there's another one with over 290 votes based on previous comment) so come on Tado, please put this on your backlog to be actively looked at how you can do this for your customers. Looks like there are well getting on for 1000 votes for this/similar feature requests.

  • Unknown
    edited February 2024
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  • Maybe we could go on marketplaces (Amazon…) and put a bad review as a protest, linking to this message. I guess we would have more leverage than a message in a pseudo community uservoice.
  • I've added an edit to the opening post of this thread.

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  • @Rob welcome back - long time no hear. How about an update on the top two suggestions that have around 500 votes each? Can't see that they are for power users only?
  • It is obvious that Tado are not looking at any of these threads, including ones that are for major flaws.

    We need to be more visible. I've started commenting on their facebook page. I suggest everyone else should do the same thing.

  • Rob
    Rob Admin
    edited April 2024


    Thanks. I won't be very present here, but as it looks now we will have a colleague that definitely will.

    Assuming you mean the 'backup schedule' and 'range extender' topics;

    The range extender topic is something we cannot easily introduce to existing hardware due to hardware limitations. In that sense it is fundamentally different from this multiple schedule topic. With software you can basically do everything, as long as you invest enough time. The limits here are thus time and if the change actually improves the product for the majority of users. 

    Hardware however has physical limits. The range issue is something we have been fine tuning a lot though (with firmware), but the improvements were not so big that it solved the issue for those who had massive range issues. For this topic and other topics where the hardware is the limit, our hands are simply tied until we introduce fundamentally new hardware. 

    I'm not allowed to announce any product updates (which is quite frustrating... to me too), but I can certainly promise that we are not sitting still.

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  • Indeed. Five years and counting. @Rob I understand your hands are tied, and I do appreciate that you at least responded. However, after five years, that was an appalling non answer.
  • Abison
    edited March 2024

    It is a required feature I must say. If you are worried about common people, please do not enable by default. Provide a setting which can enable at each user level. Once enable, the app can show provision to do multiple schedule which allow enable only one at a time per device. I can really guess the number of people wanted this feature those do not know about this forum or lazy or scared to create a login here.

  • Iannmark
    edited January 16
    I would love this. It’s taken me ages to get the winter settings just right. I don’t want to change them and start again every year. The temperatures anyone sets in the summer vs winter are wildly different. I can’t even explain why, it’s just the winter settings feel massively uncomfortably warm in the winter. And vice versa. So for me, winter and summer profiles would suffice. Maybe a third in between, the main seasons for spring and autumn combined
  • Hi all,

    I've only recently become a user of Tado products, and found some great information in this thread, thank you!

    Thought I'd add my comments, about a couple of functionalities I am missing from Tado currently (or haven't found out how to use yet?):

    • Being able to schedule the Away mode (what is called Holiday mode on other thermostats): Set manually (but in advance) when you want Tado to move to Away mode, and again when you want it to move back to Home mode. The first step works well with Geofencing. But for poorly insulated houses, being able to re-start the heating when you're 2 hours away from home can be very important.
    • Having a notion of profiles for schedules, with a quick action button on the front page of the app that would change all rooms schedules in one click (School Day / Everyone home / The kids at their grandparents' / etc.) ⇒ One click would change all the schedules at once, but more importantly: you'd only program them once.

    I would love to see those implemented within Tado.

  • Kestral1
    edited January 16
    Having had a heatmiser system in the past i am used to having the ability to change profiles for different seasons, so i really miss it with tado. This and having no timer/date picker on the away mode are my main issues with tado
  • Unknown
    edited January 16
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  • IlmarE
    edited January 16
    In the building I live in (Italy) the heating in the winter is on for specific hours and is shut off completely in the off seasons.

    It would be nice to be able to set the winter schedule for all radiators globally rather than having to program each one separately.

    For the off seasons when heat is shut off at the boiler, they recommend the valves be opened. It would be great to have this as a global setting as well instead of opening valves by increasing the heat settings or by removing the Tado valve controls.
  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 16

    @IlmarE Thinking about your question …

    For a winter schedule … one suggestion. A) can you group all the radiators in one Tado room ? Would that work for you?
    for a summer schedule … two suggestions. A) use ‘boost heating’. In theory that should set everything ‘ON’ an open the valves. B) disconnect the TRVs. That should leave all the valves ‘open’.
    For both … A) is there a way of using HomeKit or Alexa to do what you want!

  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    edited January 16

    Hello @IlmarE

    You might also find this conversation in the French community interesting.

    Basically—although not an officially sanctioned tado° method and only applicable to Smart Radiator Thermostats—you could turn your heating to 25° (or 30° if you have Line X) so that the valves stay open. Since the boiler is closed, no heat will travel to your radiators.