Set "away" the separate room
The geofencing can switch off the heating of the entire house. But, the possibility of the setting one room is missing. For example, the children are out for one week. Why fully heat their room?
IMO not.
Geofencing is not working for separate room. Regarding schedule: you can set only one schedule, but i.e. for alternating care or other irregular presence isn't working as well.
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yes I agree, allow individuals to be assigned to rooms, so that those rooms gets turned off if that person leaves the house. and turned back on when arrive back home.
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Interesting ideas
I am just setting up tado schedules and based it on a normal working week when school is in the usage is very different (home office and kitchen are used but no other rooms) to a school holiday when we are at home (living room and kids bedroom in use during the day unless we go out).
It would be great to have multiple sets of schedules available to apply to the working week and non working. Perhaps that solution could also work - you could flip to "schedule b" when the kids are there.
This could also handle events like Xmas when we want it on weekend setting on a midweek day.
Adding geolocation on a room/user basis is also a really nice idea.
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