w.Intercom = i;[released in beta] Yearly Energy Data — tado° Community

[released in beta] Yearly Energy Data

Energy IQ is a good start and enables the user to see costs of current months heating cost compared to last months.

Can you add a feature that allows user to look at last years complete monthly data and compare it with current year to date.

Users can then see if changes to their system have made a difference to running costs

3 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Rob
    Rob Admin
    edited May 2022

    This has become available in beta earlier this week. Assuming no issues arise for the beta users, it means we will make it available to the normal app within a week or two.

    Do note that we do need the heating data for those historical months. So, you can only look back as far as the month you installed tado° at best. Additionally, it's only energy consumption, not energy cost, as the cost per unit of energy has differed greatly over time. Cost estimation will be done for the current month only, for now.

  • Rob
    Rob Admin

    Well, it's a heating energy consumption estimation. Could be oil, gas, whatever source you use.

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭
    edited May 2022

    You need to subscribe to Auto Assist for it to work which I do not need or want! I should have added that I am covered by Green Flag which might make sense to UK Viewers!!

  • Rob
    Rob Admin


    It works like this:

    • When you upload your energy data into the tado° app, we know how much energy (whether kWh electricity, m3 gas, litres of oil, ...) you've used between 2 dates.
    • Assuming you've used tado° in the same period, we also know how often/how long you've heated in the same period.
    • We make the assumption that you use your heating-energy-source mostly for heating, and use little of this source for anything else.

    Based on those first two parameters and the assumption of point three we make our calculation and prediction. Very simplistic: If you use your heating 10% less in March than in February, your energy consumption (in kWh, m3, L. Not in £) for heating will have gone down by roughly 10% in the same period as well. In reality the calculation/prediction is a bit more complex, but I guess you get the gist of it.

    We don't take cooking on gas into account, for example, however this is entirely insignificant compared to gas consumption for heating. Hot water consumption is more significant, but even here, assuming you don't take very long hot showers very often, it is relatively insignificant compared to energy consumption for heating a house.

    The prediction we make is the best one available given the limited amount of data we have.