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Need for multiple profiles

Dear Team,

I have installed 12 Tados so far in my house and more are to come. I like the idea, although it is not a new one. However, yours seems to work 👌 Having said this, I am missing one huge functionality: as an example: if you have your kids over every other week, I would need to every week redo the schedules so as to not heat their rooms when they are not there. This could be Profile KIDSatHOME. Every other week it's profile NoKIDS.

Or: when you have guests over, you need the living room and kitchen to be heated for longer. You don't want to think about the setting at 22:00 when you see the guests putting on their pullovers. This could be Profile GUESTNight.

You see my point? In my view, this would be a huge additional benefit to the already good GUI and existing functionalities. And, perhaps this might not even be such a big development?

Thank you guys! I appreciate a lot your work. Especially in these more challenging times!

So long,


21 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • You're right about the need for more flexible schedules/profiles that can be named. There's been previous requests on here. Are you aware that there's already 3 schedules per room. You can switch between the schedules without losing the time/temp settings each time. You do need to remember the purpose of each one though.

  • see this thread.

    Individual Geofence Option

    suggest upvote (on first page of thread)

  • Agreed, a visitor profile and I'm not working this week profile etc.
  • Just adding my support to the call for more profiles.
    In my ideal world, TADO would have "seasonal" profiles that I could tailor to suit my own preferences at the click of a button.
  • I entirely agree, it's a blatant and obvious omission. I'm surprised it hasn't already been sorted out and also shocked that Tado have offered no response to the suggestion.

  • lu_lu
    lu_lu ✭✭
    edited November 2023

    I agree profiles are really needed !!

    I see another point where they could be very useful and time-saver : seasons. Indeed if you have an AC-unit that can also heat, then your settings are very different in summer and in winter :

    Profil 1 - winter - heat mode

    • 6h-8h 21°C
    • 8h-16h 19°C
    • 16h-20h 21°C
    • 20h-midnight 19°C
    • Midnight-6h 18°C

    Profil 2 - summer - cool mode  

    • 6h-10h off 
    • 10h-18h 26°C
    • 18h-midnight 23,5°C
    • Midnight-6h 24°C

    Following @CkAtHome original post, then several profiles cool be relevant :

    Profil 1 - winter - heat mode - kids at home

    Profil 2 - winter - heat mode - kids not home

    Profil 3 - summer - cool mode - kids at home

    Profil 4 - summer - cool mode - kids not home

    Profil 5 - summer - cool mode - visitors


    Defining setting takes a lot of time, as tado allows to be precise in the timings, but editing them is also time consuming, especially if you need to change them every few months.. Thus profiles appears to be an obvious feature, come on Tado 💪🏼

    Here is the French thread that I posted over 2 years ago if you want to upvote (use google translate or so 🙃) ↓

  • Silvio6
    edited November 2023
    I totally agree with profiles. We are not living in Hedgehog Day 😏 with the same week repeated all over the year. We have kids, guests, holidays, and can plan for many of these. This is why i use automations, so i can schedule and forget about it. And i have same need as the post, with a kid having a différent schedule every other week.