After several years still no range extension?

This topic has been seen multiple times for at least the last 4 years.

Where is the range extension???
Second bridge?
Still nothing?
5 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • rafm5
    rafm5 Volunteer Moderator

    With the X models now on the market, I doubt very much that tado° will devote resources to improving old v3 units...

  • FFM
    FFM ✭✭

    Plus, the old version worked for 99% of all people. It was clear that spending money and time on that makes no sense. But every few months people ask and are shocked Tado "still" does nothing.

  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator

    Hello @FFM @rafm5 @Meta IIRC, from a previous life at a very large telecoms network provider … the underlying wireless standard for 6LowPAN used by Tado is 802.15.4. The 802.15 concept is for a low-power and low data rate standard, with a practical range of circa 10 metre. It's used by higher layers such as (amongst others) Zigbee, 6lowpan, Thread, & Matter.

    The standard can operate in 'star' or 'peer-to-peer' (mesh) mode. In practice 'mesh' takes more power and works for devices that can be 'plugged-in', such as smart lights or usb connected. I can't see how a 'repeater' or 'mesh' is going to fit with the underlying standards and battery-operated devices?

  • Just been emailed by Tado to be active in the community forum so here I am on the most glaring failure in their system. Range! My solution involves two access points two iPhones on different accounts that is two systems. I am sure locking a couple of programmers in a room for a day would all the app to run two networks so I didn’t have to have two phones. Come on Tado why have a community if you don’t listen?
  • Agree with @RichTea an extender would be great (notwithstanding @FFM's slightly snarky comment about people in our position - I bought the system in good faith and Tado never said "your house might be too big for our system to function properly"). But anyway, @RichTea I'm interested in your solution using two phones, can you elaborate? My problem is that no matter where I put my bridge, there's always one radiator it can't reach. How have you got around this using 2 phones?

  • I bought an internet bridge off eBay. I wired that bridge into my network. Then I connected the radiator thermostats for a part of the house to that bridge using a second email and iOS app on the second phone. So it is two separate systems as far as Tado sees them. I only run Radiator controls but see no reason why other units couldn’t be added.
    Others have been able to link the two bridges via Apple HomeKit so they can see on one phone.
    My problem isn’t just the size of the house but also the construction I have many metre thick dividing walls and one that is 3 metres thick which divides the house in two. I cannot get all my radiators to link despite the two bridges.
    I have a wired Ethernet system with 4 mesh nodes which works well , I would buy more bridges if needed but more phones is too much. I don’t understand why Tado cannot find a more elegant solution than my bodge. I would buy another 5 thermostats and look at boiler control if they sorted the range problem.
w.Intercom = i;