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Upgrade to X and lifetime auto assist

Hi! I am wondering whether upon upgrade to X tado will honour the lifetime Auto Assist subscription that was available with some of the previous editions of the kits. I understand that V2/V3/V3+ can't co-exist in one account with X, but I am wondering if it upon upgrade and removal of the old bridge, the subscription would be kept.


  • royi
    royi ✭✭✭

    @SGT Tado X is a total diffent system and is not compatible, so the answer is no. Search for Tado X launch video on You Tube.

  • @royi The subscription system came in place with the release of the V3+ kit. All new customers from there on would need to pay the subscription to access Auto-Assist. But those who bought the V2 and V3 kits and registered a new account with these kits would have the lifetime access to Auto Assist, and retain this benefit should they then upgrade to the V3+ kit.

    I'm lead to believe that the lifetime Auto Assist is tied to the account and not the kit you are using. So I would think that removing all V2/V3/V3+ accessories from your account to then add the Tado X kit will not revoke the lifetime Auto Assist. Only deleting your account to create a new one would lead to loosing that benefit. That's my opinion.

    @SGT this is something I'd like to know too. Would be great if Tado could make a comment on this matter. If we loose the lifetime Auto Assist when moving to Tado X, I'm just going to stick with my V3+ system until it dies and then move to another subscription free system when time comes.

  • Joead
    Joead ✭✭
    edited June 15
    I’m pretty certain the lifetime Auto Assist is linked to the Tado “Home” in the setting section of the tado app.

    According to their upgrade support doc you need to delete the Home to upgrade to X.


    This would indicate the lifetime Auto Assist would not carry over. Perhaps someone from Tado could clarify this?

    May I suggest tado include lifetime Auto Assist for customers who make a significant investment into tado X devices - ie purchase over {x} number of tado X devices, get AA for free? This would reward users like myself who spend a very large sum on tado hardware (13 trvs, 4 thermos, extension kit and bridge). Eero follow this model - free subscription features if you have a certain number of nodes in your account.
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  • rafm5
    rafm5 Volunteer Moderator

    Tado X is a total diffent system and is not compatible

    This isn't the case. Auto Assist is just a software add-on, so it should work across the entire range.
    Tado can technically release it for free if they want to.

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  • Joead
    Joead ✭✭
    @Emcee could you comment on this to clarify what has been said above?
  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin

    Hello @Joead and @SGT and others,

    To me, it seems that life-time Auto-Assist should mean life-time Auto-Assist. But as long as there haven't been any official announcements, I cannot confirm for sure.

  • cbd20
    cbd20 ✭✭✭

    My understanding of this is slightly different.

    When the subscription was first introduced it was announced that any customer who had a V3 or older bridge would keep Auto-Assist for the life of that product. They could add any V3+ devices they wanted, provided they kept the original bridge. If they changed the bridge to a newer V3+, then the subscription would kick in.

    Checking the Auto-Assist section of the app I think confirms this, where it says "Auto-Assist is included in your tado Starter Kit". Change your "starter kit" i.e bridge and it goes away…

  • martini
    martini Volunteer Moderator
    edited June 21

    From seeing how things worked in the past, where the grant for free Auto Assist was tied to the Internet Bridge (and replacing it involved writing to tado to have them transfer the "free for legacy users"-subscription"), I'm fairly sure that changing for Line X will not automagically grant Auto Assist beyond the "one year free with a new starter kit"-offer.

    (I'm also part of the "Auto Assist is such a simple feature, I would be ashamed to charge for that"-crew - but that's besides the point)

    When the whole Auto Assist subscription drama originally started in 2018, they published an (now taken offline) blog-post explaining their reasoning - it can be retrieved from the Internet Archive here (german version, sorry): https://web.archive.org/web/20220702173244/https%3A//www.tado.com/t/de/update-warum-wir-die-neuen-v3plus-produkte-entwickelt-haben/#app-upgrade

    Die V3+ App wurde gezielt für die neuen V3+ Hardware Produkte entwickelt. Wenn du jedoch bereits Geräte der Versionen V1, V2 oder V3 nutzt, kannst du ein Upgrade auf die neue App erwerben.

    The V3+ App (judging by the screenshots: the current tado app as we know it right now) was made for V3+ hardware; but if you already own V1, V2 or V3 hardware, you may upgrade to the new app. OK.

    Dafür zahlst du einmalig eine Gebühr von 19,99 €. Das Upgrade beinhaltet die kostenlose Nutzung des Auto-Assist Skills (regulärer Preis 24,99 €).

    You have to pay a one-time fee of 19,99€ for the upgrade, and the upgrade includes the Auto-Assist Skill. Cool.

    Für Bestandskunden, die von einem V1, V2 oder V3 tado° Produkt upgraden, entstehen demnach für den Auto-Assist Skill keine Kosten – solange sie tado° nutzen.

    For existing customers that upgrade from a V1, V2 or V3 product, Auto-Assist does not incur any costs - as long as they are using tado.

    So from just a technical point of view, they did not say "Auto Assist is free for as long as you are using V1, V2 or V3 hardware" but "as long as you're using tado…

    Now good luck convincing support of the same ;-)

  • Joead
    Joead ✭✭

    @Emcee Thanks for replying in this thread. Were you able to glean any further info from the powers-that-be over this as well as put forward this suggestion mentioned in post 4?

    May I suggest tado include lifetime Auto Assist for customers who make a significant investment into tado X devices - ie purchase over {x} number of tado X devices, get AA for free? This would reward users like myself who spend a very large sum on tado hardware (13 trvs, 4 thermos, extension kit and bridge). Eero follow this model - free subscription features if you have a certain number of nodes in your account.

  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin

    Hi @Joead

    No news yet, unfortunately.

  • Unknown
    edited July 17
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  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello again everyone,

    tado° customers with lifetime Auto-Assist will be able to keep their lifetime subscription after upgrading to tado° X, if they upgrade via the special offer they will receive for the tado° webshop.

    In order to benefit from this offer, you need to subscribe to the tado° newsletter and accept. An offer will be sent shortly.

  • K_T
    K_T ✭✭
    How is it possible to register to the newsletter?
  • Hello @K_T

    My apologies, I should have made that more clear.
    At the very bottom of the tado° website, there is a sign-up form.

  • K_T
    K_T ✭✭
    Hi @Emcee - thanks for the clarification.
    When can we expect the newsletter with the offer to be sent?
  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    edited September 26

    Hello again @K_T,

    From what I've been told, newsletters being sent out this month should include the offer.

  • I'm really curious about this one as well, I'm a early supporter with lifetime, and with the X introduction it felt like a way to get rid of us early supporters – Som I'm glad to hear you're still on track to support us.

    I've already signup for the email and have not seen any mentions about a offer to upgrade for us early supporters, so hope i'll still get it by signin up again for newsletter (was already on).

    This morning it was confirmed that tado° customers with lifetime Auto-Assist will be able to keep their lifetime subscription after upgrading to tado° X at least until October 2024.

    In regards to your announcment, can you specifiy that if we upgrade before october 2024, we'll keep our lifetime subscription active on the X platform? — will it as well function under our current gen 3?

    we are nearing october, and would be great with a specific date in October when it can be done latest, really love Tado solution, just very complicated to understand how you're treating us early supporters, since information is very hard to find

  • Hello @Tado_fo

    This offer will last (at least) throughout the upcoming winter. This was re-confirmed this morning by my superiors and is the latest information I have.

    However, please be aware that the option to keep Auto-Assist is bound to purchasing devices via a dedicated upgrade promotion on the tado° webshop.

  • K_T
    K_T ✭✭

    Hi @Emcee - this is disappointing - as some people already purchased their X devices. I hope that this stance will be revised to ensure, that early adopters are not disadvantaged.

  • Hello @K_T

    I see you have a few support tickets opened already. Once those are dealt with, you can ask our support agent what they can do about your Auto-Assist membership. I suppose under certain circumstances, Auto-Assist can be made available to early adopters as well. No promises, but doesn't hurt to ask.

  • K_T
    K_T ✭✭

    Thanks @Emcee - the AutoAssist in my case was dealt with fine already - I am talking here on behalf of the wider community of early adopters.

  • Same applies to them 🙂

  • K_T
    K_T ✭✭
    I understand, though it would be nice if the proces was guaranteed and didn't require to jump through the hoops. Perhaps the lifetime subscription could be linked to the account/email address?
  • pcone
    pcone ✭✭✭

    @Emcee : I have lifetime Auto Assist from my old V2 installation, but upgraded V3+ three years ago. As such, I'm not looking to replace all my devices to Tado X in the short term, but would like some confidence that should I upgrade in a few years time I would be able to transfer the lifetime Auto Assist at that time. From what I've read in this thread this will be a limited time deal.

  • @pcone I can't say for sure. So far, my superiors have confirmed it will be possible this winter. Whether that will be extended isn't clear to anyone at this point. My apologies… whenever I learn more, I will keep the thread updated.

  • Tado_fo
    edited September 11

    @Emcee thanks for the reply, Is there a estimate when we can expect the email with the offer included? — not sure how this process is planned to work, and who get this email, all current users with life-time auto assist, or randomly if one has signup for newsletter.

    Also if we upgrade to X, will the Auto Assist still function on my V3 series?

  • Hello @Tado_fo

    Would you be using X and V3 simultaneously?
    If so, please be advised that both lines are not compatible and that this would require 2 Homes.

    As for whether Auto-Assist would still function for your older devices, I don't see why it wouldn't. If you encounter issues, you can contact support and they will be able to activate Auto Assist on both sets of devices.