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Tado X devices randomly dropping off the network

I replaced my legacy Tado system with Tado X and I realised, that my devices randomly drop off Thread network. Never had that issue previously. Same location of bridge and end devices. They just drop off randomly but usually at least a couple of devices are offline. They are not even the furthest away devices from the bridge. Any suggestions why this may be happening?


  • Manuel
    Manuel Admin
    edited September 2024

    @K_T do you know if you have other devices that could act as a Thread Border Router apart from the Bridge X? Unfortunately many devices like some Echo smart speakers support Thread but work a bit on their own and either set up their own separate thread network or join the one from tado° but don't support the communication with the tado° servers making the devices look offline because they don't support the NAT64 protocol. Eventually all this will resolve when all big platforms upgrade to Thread 1.4 but right now troubleshooting Thread problems can be problematic.

  • K_T
    K_T ✭✭
    edited September 2024
    In the same Thread network I have SmartThings hub. Echos do not allow joining the existing networks.
  • Same issue here

    I have a couple of google nest hubs in the house.

    Tado X radiator thermostats keep going offline.

    Looks like this is going to be a major issue with heating season starting…

  • Had a similar issue. After restarting the router everything worked fine again for a couple of days.
    My solution: Electric timer, shutting the router off for one minute during the nighttime. Working fine for me, no issues so far…
    Not the perfect solution, but a solution at all….
  • K_T
    K_T ✭✭
    I tried rebooting the router but this didn't fix the issue. My router reboots once a week automatically and if anything - the issue gets worse.
  • Ditsy
    Ditsy ✭✭✭

    Is this ongoing or has it been resolved?

  • I have a problem with the Tado X vlaves disconncting. Something unusual is that they only drop off between 11am and 5pm. Outside these times it is very reliable. Only thing that is different over that time is the roof solar panels would be producing electricity. Other than that there is nothing unusual that we would be using at that time.

  • colosb
    edited January 29

    Hi all, with this issue do you typically see all the Tado X valves (& wireless thermostat) disconnecting, or just some?

    … I had an issue yesterday and commented on this Tado community discussion thread, but am wondering if it is the same as the issue you are talking about here, or different?

    .. reading this thread, and searching the forum some more, I suspect this one is different, so I propose to stay on the other threads, so I wish you best of luck over here; (I just found this one too about all devices disconnecting; and this one for tado x offline)