w.Intercom = i;Problems with installation of Tado Wireless V3 Starter for Alpha E-Tech Hybrid. — tado° Community

Problems with installation of Tado Wireless V3 Starter for Alpha E-Tech Hybrid.

Hello, I am requesting for help, with the fitting of Tado Wireless V3 starter kit to my newly installed Alpha E-Tech Hybrid boiler a few months ago.

I have attempted to follow the Tado app. installation instructions, but get lost on where the wires go, I've written to the support team and got a reply of 'follow the app installation instruction' which wasn't very helpful.

It ended up in me, searching Tado discussions group and found a similar topic to mine. See link below.

So I have attempted follow the comments in the topic, but have no joy in getting the Tado controllers working. So I have ended up putting back the wires back into the original place, and used the terminals clamps for the Tado wires for safety, until I find a solution. Please note, that there is no link wires on this my wiring for the boiler.

Any instruction on where the wires should go (Blue / Brown / Black and Gray). Would be very grateful.

Kind regards

Best Answer

  • policywonk
    policywonk ✭✭✭
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    @A_Mitchell. Hi.

    This installation guide: E-Tec-33-HB-Hybrid-Boiler-Instructions-10-22.pdf on Page 45 sets out clearly the wiring - if we have the correct model here.

    PINS 1 & 2 bridge SWITCHED LIVE to PIN 1, which powers the motherboard to operate in full control of the pump, 3 way valve and make use of the thermal sensors on the outbound, inbound and hw pipes.

    When the Alpha controller is plugged in, ie to PINS A and B, it also draws live from PIN A, Neutral from PIN B. At the other end, it provides control signals to the motherboard using plugs X9, X3, X2 and X4.

    If I understand this right, the bridge on Pins 1 and 2, informs the motherboard that there is an intelligent, moderating, digital control present; when the bridge is removed, the controls may revert to being dumb - not sure yet.

    Given the number of thermistors in place and dependency on weather sensors this boiler takes account of lots of factors to moderate its output, the speed of heated water flow and pressure on the pump, on both CH and HW. The primary control circuits are digital, not basic analogue even though external test features are for engineers deliberately simple.

    EDIT; This is Opentherm. Pins 41 and 44 on the Alpha controller module seem to be the primary control wires.

    Strongly recommend you dont follow other narratives if they not specific to your model. This really is a complex motherboard. There is a risk of, by mistake, damaging or neutralise some of the feedback circuits that make this boiler really perform well.

    Some questions:

    • Whats the exact model number? Is it the same as the one I assume here?
    • What exactly were you instructed to do by the tech team?
    • Which Tado controllers and devices are you using or planning to use?
    • When you refer to the four coloured wires, what exactly have you tried?
    • Did you try setting the controls, after Tado gave you the route, to having the boiler try in P7 Opentherm? DId it work?

    @Emcee apologies. Thought this might need you. I'd appreciate learning more from @A_Mitchellbefore before interrupting you again.