w.Intercom = i;Exposure of additional information to Matter for Tado X Radiator Thermostat — tado° Community

Exposure of additional information to Matter for Tado X Radiator Thermostat

Hello, I'd like to ask if the development roadmap for the Tado X Radiator Thermostats has the exposure of additional entities to Matter planned in the near future? I'd like to see the battery % and also the valve position (valve open %) directly within the connected home automation ecosystem through Matter, which is something other brands (e.g. Eve) have available out-of-the-box.

14 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • To second this, I'd also like to see the offset temperature exposed (and configurable) for the TRVs, as well as the ability to force an opening percentage, overriding all the "smart" automation if I need to take direct control of the TRV for some reason (boost heating, quick cooling, etc.)

  • Hello,

    Also a simple question, what is currently exposed throuht Matter with this smart radiator thermostat x?



  • Also should be good control hot water with matter not only in the tado app or web.

  • @Benz
    The Tado X TRV exposes:

    Cluster: Thermostat 513 (0x00201)
    LocalTemperature (0x0000) (Currently measured temperature)
    AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit (0x0003) (min. possible setting. 500 = 5°C)
    AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit (0x0004) (max. possible setting. 3000 = 30°C)
    OccupiedHeatingSetpoint (0x0012) (Current set Temperature)
    ControlSequenceOfOperation (0x001b) (2 = HeatingOnly)
    SystemMode (0x001c) (0 'OFF' or 4 'HEAT')

    They report one command:
    SetpointRaiseLower (0x0000) (Raises or lowers the setpoint by an amount.)

    Also, they expose the RelativeHumidityMeasurement for humidty.

    Additionally, they have things like: HardwareVersion (VA04 for me), Location ("DE") and SoftwareVersion (shows "1.0" which seems wrong).

    What they support via the App but haven't implemented:
    PIHeatingDemand (They expose this in their API as heatingPower I guess this is used for their 1-3 "Heat Waves" display.)
    This or ThermostatRunningMode could be used for "is the thermostat providing heat or is it idle?"

    LocalTemperatureCalibration (0x0010) (This is supported by Eve Thermo)

    They could support Away Mode with the following Attributes:
    with the Weekly Schedule feature. (There is an "Away" day of week value)
    UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint + Occupancy + RemoteSensing

    Updates via Matter

    What would be nice to support, but isn't even in the app:
    Min/MaxHeatSetpointLimit (Support for custom temperature limits.) (This is supported by Eve Thermo)

    Also, they could implement the "Thermostat User Interface Configuration".
    Which would include TemperatureDisplayMode (°C / °F) and KeypadLockout (aka Child Lock).
    (This is supported by Eve Thermo.)

  • tulloch
    tulloch ✭✭✭

    @bjebb Thanks for that. Interesting that you say the RH is exposed as I can't see that in the Apple Home app.