w.Intercom = i;Tado Manual Control settings — tado° Community

Tado Manual Control settings

Recently one of my radiator valves has not been following settings - in the settings I have it set that when I manually change the temperature it should do it for a set time. This wasn't happening and it was just doing until I resume schedule.

I contacted tado and they asked me to swap it with one that is working correctly, so I did this, and now both devices have the issue! Having checked with some of the other devices - it seems that several of them are just doing their own thing with the manual control.

I am awaiting response from support - but the support conversation has been ongoing since 6th January and it's really frustrating so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or has experienced this themselves?

Thanks in advance


Best Answer

  • cbd20
    cbd20 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @KP7 when you manually change the temperature, how are you doing it? On the device itself or via the app?

    Tado has two different concepts of manual control:

    1. Manually changing the temperature on the physical device, and this is the setting you've found in Settings
    2. Changing the temperature via the app. This is not affected by the option you found in Settings. However, when you manually change the temperature via the app if you then press the little pen symbol that appears you can change the duration to whatever you want. The app will then remember that setting for next time.

    If you are doing option 1 and it's not working then I'd say that's a bug.


  • @cbd20 wow thank you so much for explaining that differentiation. It makes much more sense with the issues I'm having as I'm changing it in the app, and the remembering for next time also helps explain it. I will try this out properly tomorrow but thanks very much!