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Will this set up work with Tado X

Hi everyone

I'm pretty new to Tado and after 2 months of living with the X system, so far so good. But I'm looking to add some more kit and would appreciate some advice.

I have 4 Tado X wired thermostats, one for each floor of my house, each controlling the valves to my combi boiler through the control panel / main zone controller.

The problem is that all these thermostats are in the stairwell, on each of the landings. Each landing has at least one radiator.

This means that the the heat from the bottom of the house rises up and the upstairs thermostats rarely activate as the landings are warm. The consequence of that is that the higher rooms remain very cold as they rely on the same thermostats.

I have put a wireless temperature sensor in one of those cold rooms, which uses the thermostat on the same floor as its zone controller. This seems to work in that the temperature sensor overrides the thermostat until the room reaches the right temperature.

The downside of that of course is that the landing gets way too hot. So here's my question:

If I add a TRV to the radiator on the landing (nearest the thermostat), will that solve the issue? My expectation is that the temperature sensor in the colder room would keep the heating on, whilst the TRV on the landing would close off that radiator when the thermostat reaches the right temperature. Is my hunch correct?

Also, there is a landing with two radiators, both close to the thermostat on that floor. Again, the rooms on this floor remain cold. So same question here - except would the thermostat be able to take an average temperature from both TRVs and turn them off whilst still supplying heat to the room with a temperature sensor but no TRVs?

Or is there a better solution? Other than getting TRVs for all 18 radiators and temperature sensors for all 11 rooms, which would be expensive.

Hopefully that all makes sense!