w.Intercom = i;DanFoss TP-One M Confusion — tado° Community

DanFoss TP-One M Confusion

Hi there,

Hope you may be able to help please.

I live in a new build property, with 2 heating zones. Both are controlled independently of one another using the DanFoss TP-One M thermostats. Combi boiler, no HW tank, Ideal Logic ESP 1 boiler.

I had initially planned to replace the thermo in the hallway with a Wired Thermostat X, and the one in the bedroom with a Wireless Starter Kit X. This was just because the hallway looks fine with the thermostat on the wall, but in the bedroom, I'd rather it was on the nightstand. The bedrooms are heated in one zone, and the hallway and lounge in another zone.

I contacted Tado initially to request support to confirm compatibility. They confirmed it would be fine, BUT, I'd be better off having two wireless kits rather than a wired and wireless, because the app supposedly will only show me how to setup the wireless kit, not the wired.

Their reasoning was that TP-One Ms are 'programmers' and not thermostats - I can't find anywhere what the difference is, as my DanFoss both sense temperature and switch the heating on/off based off of the target temperature..

I understand that the DanFoss TP-One B however (not the M that I have) has instructions to replace with a wired thermostat X - and from what I have found - the only difference between the B and M model is one is live powered and one is battery powered (B for battery).

I have seen elsewhere that there are suggestions to instead choose 'TP-One B' in the app when setting up to receive the instructions, but I hadn't seen any success stories. I understand if you choose 'TP-One M' when trying to set up the wired thermostat, it says you can't because it's a programmer not a thermostat..

The wiring of my TP-One Ms looks very straight forward (attached) - and I can't quite understand the difference between the Wireless Kit X and the Wired Thermostat in terms of why one would work 'out of the box' and why the other wouldn't with the instructions?

Any thoughts greatly appreciated! Thank you