w.Intercom = i;Central Heating comes on despite no demand — tado° Community

Central Heating comes on despite no demand

I have a new problem with my Tado set up - it's been running, mostly, perfectly for a year or so.

On our central programming unit, the light for both hot water & central heating can be off, but the boiler still turns on and blasts the central heating at full. Even when, in the app, we turn everything to frost protection (for example). The only resolution I have at the moment is to turn off the power on the boiler entirely.

Does anyone have any suggestions for what to look into?



  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator

    @browha Hello. For the user community to help, please will you post details …

    • The Tado products you are using?
    • The heating system: boiler make/model, combi or system S-Plan or Y-plan heating/HW with zone valves?
    • Pictures will help, easiest posted from a web browser.

    Assuming that you mean the CH and HW lights on the wireless receiver are OFF and something is calling the boiler for heat …

    • The first suspect would be would be a faulty or siezed zone valve. They can fail any time from one month to 20 years.
    • For Tado devices, possibly a sticky relay in the wireless receiver. Using an electrical mains tester or screwdriver can you safely check if the either of the NO connections are Live? Other users report that a sharp tap on the case, using the handle of a screwdriver, may free the relay.