w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }[SOLVED EE ISP Issues] Bridge not connecting / cloud light flashing - Page 8 — tado° Community

[SOLVED EE ISP Issues] Bridge not connecting / cloud light flashing



  • ToppinHouse
    edited December 2020

    @Danelawton - you should be able to do this by connecting to the Hotspot with a PC and then sharing the WiFi connection to the PC’s Ethernet port. I did this initially with my Three MiFi.


  • @ToppinHouse

    I don’t have a windows PC. Only Mac/iPad.
  • @Danelawton you can do the same with a Mac: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/mac-help/mchlp1540/mac
  • That’s shocking from EE who in the post I linked to denied any such updates.

    When the issues are fixed I will be send complaint emails
  • 🤞 Good news! *watches cloud light*

  • This is good news indeed!

    @Jurian any chance we can get a technical breakdown of what the problem was? I've been using wireshark myself and can see that the internet bridge creates a successful TCP connection but then fails to create a TLS1.2 session and tears down the TCP connection after the "Certificate, Server Key Exchange, Server Hello Done" part of the tls handshake instead of continuing with it. What's interesting is that from my mac i can cURL ingress.tado.com and it does create a tcp and tls connection and then a http get works and i get a response - so why does this only affect the internet bridge?

  • Jurian
    Jurian Admin
    edited December 2020

    Hi everyone,

    Another update:

    Basically: EE expects the issue to be resolved by tomorrow morning at 6:00.

    Please do a reboot of your router/modem and Internet Bridge if the connection does not establish itself automatically again.

    @SimonL I am a mere mechanical engineer and I must admit that your explanation goes way over my head.

    I will ask our Server/Embedded guys who worked on this issue to formulate an update on the tado status page when this is resolved.

  • Mikey_B
    edited December 2020
    EE have hopefully provided a solution. But what is TADO going to do for all of us whom have been let down by a tado system weakness? And what are you actually going to do to stop this from happening again? Mike.
  • @SimonL is that really a surprise given that my phone and brower can access the Tado servers through EE but my IB can't?

    Chrome tells me that the connection to my "my.tado.com" page is encrypted and authenticated using TLS 1.2, ECDHE_RSA with X25519, and AES_128_GCM.
  • ToppinHouse
    edited December 2020

    This process has been a bit of a wake-up call to me regarding IoT in general. We are becoming increasingly reliant on an internet connection for much of our day-to-day living so it is probably prudent to have a fall-back solution. Our landline connectivity is pretty much non-existant (~1 Mb/s) as we are ~5km of copper away from the FTTC cabinet so 4G is our only real solution and EE has a much better signal than anyone else (Vodafone and O2 are non-existant). I was considering consolidating all our devices onto EE but this has made me realise that having a spread between EE and Three is a better solution in terms of redundancy.

  • @ToppinHouse it's been a wake up call for me too. Same boat as you in terms of 4G or nothing (although potentially a fixed wireless provider might now reach us but reviews are dire) but it's prompted me to sort out the backup line I was going to do over a year ago "just in case" as our mobiles are EE too.

  • @ToppinHouse I was basing that on ingress.tado.com which is what the IB is actually trying to talk too. The surprise is that both should work or neither should work. If my mac works and the IB doesn't then it leads me to believe that the IB is using some old/buggy implementation for tcp/tls or it uses some lesser known or edge cases in the tcp/tls specs and that this could happen again. I'm just trying to understand the root cause and hoping that Tado improve their side of things so this can't happen again.

  • @Jurian It is great news that a solution has been found, and I suppose it is a relief to Tado that the problem was caused by EE, however what this has highlighted is the major design flaw with the Tado system in that the smart schedule is totally reliant on internet connectivity.

    Now I know in an earlier posting you mentioned that changing the Tado system so that the the smart schedule could continue to operate without an internet connection was not a trivial matter but it may be useful to your customer base if Tado could provide a fuller explanation as to what would be needed to make the necessary changes so that it could.

    Thank you.

  • So we’re back on!
    Please can someone tell us what/who was at fault or changed?
  • Hooray it’s working. If this was a EE fault I would like to know as I will sim my displeasure and complaints at them
  • @Jurian Thanks for your efforts in getting this resolved, remote access re-established at 1:30 last night (my radiator stats woke me as they started to finally work on their own again).

    @AdamW Thanks for your input and time in helping diagnose the issue between EE and tado, much appreciated. Agree also that a cheap fixed line seems to be a good idea, I bought into the 4G/5G movement as my fixed line speeds are extremely slow but having had this issue I can see the benefits in having some redundancy to fall back on.

    Just hoping to find an unlimited deal out there that costs less than a fiver a month, shame I didn't pull the trigger during the black friday deals on offer a week or so ago!

    Enjoy your warm houses again folks... For now!


  • Back online again here. As others have said thank you for the time and effort put in in working on getting this resolve.

    A few questions that I think should be answered

    1. After 10 days of manual heating so to speak, What is going to be done to prevent this happening again? What if EE do an update again, Maybe not EE and another provider which causes similar situations.
    2. Whilst this was EE's Fault looking at above, can this be confirmed please and as to what the issue was.
    3. Are there any plans to look into Tado having an offline schedule assistant if the systems lose cloud connections for any reasons?
    4. Could an option be that Ethernet is not required for the bridge and a WiFi version be developed which would allow connection to hotspots as a back up?

    Not sure if I need to look at redundancy options now, something to think about. I cannot get a fixed line connection and would have to run a second 4G Router with a different network.

    Potentially moving house in 3 months and debating whether to take Tado with me or not after this.

  • AdamW
    edited December 2020

    Huzzah. Woke up at 4am and (as I was awake) checked my Tado app and everything was online again.

    As far as I see it was an EE error in their update but would be good to know some more details about what it was exactly. I also echo the offline schedule / failover option. I'm certainly happy to buy a bridge v2 if the current bridge can't support it (I know not everyone will be). @Jurian as you've passed the failover feedback to the PMs perhaps one of them could pop on the thread to talk about it?

  • Hi Everyone,

    I am happy that this is now resolved.

    I am in contact with the PM team to see if we can have a statement from their side. Don't expect too much this week since they are very busy.

    Kind regards,


  • Sorry, slightly off topic, anyone now having issues with live view on Ring cams? I know a tado forum isn't the place for this, but just wondered if the ee update/rollback has potentially affected this for others as well.


  • @Sarge here all fine with ring doorbell live view
  • @Jurian Please can we have a technical explanation of what the underlying issue was and why it affected the Tado Internet Bridge. I'd really really appreciate it.

  • Thankfully this has now been resolved. For now. We all know this is going to happen again.

    I'm really annoyed. I have spoken to Tado engineers that weren't aware that the system wasn't controlled without an Internet connection - in fact they assured me that it was fully controllable without an Internet connection.

    Tado is well engineered, but It has some really bad shortcomings:

    • No heating/hot water control if no Internet

    • Limit of 10 rooms with boiler control

    • Limit of 24 devices

    • Limited range (so cannot reliably control far flung rooms)

    • Tado support staff getting free and immediate access to your heating system - No Privacy. If they can others can hack?

    I have no idea who made these crazy half baked engineering decisions?

    There is absolutely no way you can hand on heart recommend this to other users. In fact you'd be better off telling them to use any other system than Tado IMHO.

    So that leaves us with:

    What are Tado are going to do to remedy these limitations in the near future?

    What are Tado going to do to compensate us for not having any heating control for 10 days?

  • Suggest everyone upvotes this - it has been ignored for over three years now!
  • Hi macaaw

    Agree 100% and very well put and summarised.

    I have been saying this since I installed my TRV's/SRT's I have had major connectivity issues as you describe.

    Support aspect is extremely worrying this access issue. Jurian last Tuesday went into my system and made major fundamental changes to it. He did this with no pre warning nor consultation as to what he was going to do, He did this to reset my system as to what he thought was best. To me this felt as if he had entered my home and gone through my whole house and changed my heating system by breaking and entering.

    It was to be like that like it or lump it. Oh, and I was not to going to receive any further support!! HONESTLY!!

    The worrying aspect as well is that Tado, Jurian and other support staff do not actually want to listen to their customers who are all trying to be constructive. Like you team!

    They would never apologise for the system failings as it is invariably the customer's fault!

    I agree and feel very sorry for the new customers who are just beginning to post the problems we have had and know about! Just read them!! Mirror images or what!

  • @Jurian Please can we have a technical explanation of what the underlying issue was and why it affected the Tado Internet Bridge. I'd really really appreciate it.

  • @Jurian any update on the technical explanation for this issue?
    Also, any sharing of future plans to remove the reliance on a constant Internet connection would be appreciated.
  • @Jurian

    Will there be a further update, I think there are many questions un answered on this still and explanations expected.

    I hope this isn't a case of its fixed so now we can sweep it under the carpet and forget it happened?

  • @Danelawton @Jurian I fear we are in a 'ignore it and hope it goes away' mode.
    I hope I'm wrong...