w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }[SOLVED EE ISP Issues] Bridge not connecting / cloud light flashing - Page 5 — tado° Community

[SOLVED EE ISP Issues] Bridge not connecting / cloud light flashing



  • @AdamW Many thanks for Apple Homekit suggestion. Didn't expect that to be working, now Siri is saving me walking around the house adjusting the rads.

  • Hi. Yes I have and an update from tado. See below.
    Ticket: 1160953

    Hi Mick,

    We're getting in touch as there has been a recent increase in Internet Bridge disconnections in the UK and your tado° system seems to be among those affected. This will impact your ability to adjust tado° devices via the app.

    We confirm we have not made any firmware updates for the bridge recently. Initial reports from affected customers indicate that this might be an issue specifically related to your internet service provider.

    To continue with our investigation, we would appreciate it if you could send us the following information in reply to this email:

    1. The name of your internet service provider (e.g. BT, EE, Virgin).
    2. The make and model of your internet router/modem, you can find this on a sticker on the router (e.g. Netgear R6300, EE-Bright-Box-xyhy).
    3. The type of your internet connection (e.g. Fiber, Cable, DSL, 4G).
    We are giving this issue the highest priority and we are doing everything in our power to find the cause as quickly as possible. At this time, it is not possible to say when the issue will be resolved.

    In the meantime, you can control your tado° manually on the devices.You can also join the discussion among affected tado° users in this forum thread if you’d like to get involved.

    Kind regards,
    Your tado° team

    Benedict Märkl (tado° Help Center)
    2 Dec 2020, 17:58 CET

    Hello Mick,

    Thank you for your reply and the information provided.
    Unfortunately, we do not know yet what is causing this issue and are still looking into it. So we cannot give any specific timescale at the moment.

    Our engineers are analysing the data to identify the exact cause of this issue. The first analysis shows that only customers using 4G routers are affected. We will of course keep you updated as soon as we know more.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Kind regards,
  • Raven431
    edited December 2020

    Mine wont connect to apple home kit tells me its unreachable and now wont even show on the homekit page when i scan the code

  • OK i got home kit to work, then used the ipad as a hub.

    That will solve some issues until it gets worked out

  • kRt
    edited December 2020

    I've changed from EE simcard to my Three mobile phone simcard.

    The bridge connected successfully, just need to re-sync 3 from 5 devices.

    Still two theories:

    1 EE is blocking the bridge connection

    2 Tado servers aren't accepting traffic from EE network

  • Pretty big clue in their msg to @mickh: BT, EE and Virgin all use the EE mobile infrastructure...
  • Hi

    Same issue here in Leicester.

    Cloud Led flashing still not connecting
    EE 4G SIM Only Customer.
    TP-Link Archer MR600 LTE router.
    Working fine for over 1 year with same setup.
    Nothings changed on my side.
    Dec 1st at 9.15 Am went offline.
    Tried all the basics as suggested.
    Don't have another router or a another SIM card to test with.
    Raised ticket. Not heard back.
  • 2nd time in 12 months this has happened to me. Can’t afford to wait for tado to resolve as I’ve a new born in the house and no heating is not ideal.
    Have jumped ship to Drayton wiser system- fitted it this evening and up and running straight away. Schedules are saved locally so any issues in the cloud and it merrily reverts back to the last saved schedule
  • @nickandrews looks nice, does it do hot water as well as heating?
  • Jurian
    Jurian Admin
    edited December 2020

    @kRt That is some interesting information.

    @Schofs Thanks for sharing. This most likely means it is not router specific.

    @All, our developers are looking for 1-2 people who have an IT background and are willing to do some troubleshooting in the field. You would have to have some knowledge about "Wireshark" and be willing to allow us to take a look into your network traffic. Please send me a DM on the forum or reply to this message if you are interested in helping us out.

  • @Sarge if you get the 2 channel controller it does heating too. So works out much cheaper than tado. It doesn’t use a wired wall stat so I just had to put a wired link across positive and neutral on the wall stat to delete it. And you can copy and paste schedules! Dreamy!
  • @Sarge EDIT 2 channel controller does hot water and heating too
  • Could tado not stretch to buying a 4g router and pay as you go EE sim?
  • @Raven431 EE does not have reception in Germany where our headquarters are located.

  • @Jurian happy to help, will drop you a DM.

  • Is this a problem with EE or the Huawei routers? could be ominous start to UK banning them.

  • Tado have no staff or engineers in the uk? I learn something new every day
  • @Jurian - also very happy to help
  • @jurian How difficult is to deploy an engineer to UK? Didn't all these customers worth the pain?
  • @Jurian Happy to help with wireshark have DM'd you

  • Jurian
    Jurian Admin
    edited December 2020

    Thank you @AdamW , much appreciated!

  • @Jurian
    Still no mention of this issue on the server status page. Not everyone would dig into the community pages. A quick note would stop users wrecking their installation or worse dumping your product!
  • @AdamW I'd love you know what you found via wireshark (and any tips), i'm going to try using it later.

    Aiming to get the Tado internet bridge ip then filter for all tcp traffic from that ip headed to open internet. Any idea what protocol the bridge uses? I'm assuming json over http but i guess it could be custom too, will find out once i catch some packets.

  • @SimonL lots of stuff I have zero idea about. My eyes glazed over as the lines whizzed by!
  • We mirrored the port and just ran wireshark on that.
  • I have no idea what you guys are on about, but if it helps me keep my house warm. Bravo

  • Suddenly the thread is full of engineers and tado doesn't need any official in UK (2 dislikes when sugested). However I am already into my second week without heating system. Great work guys!
  • Just to add my name to list @Jurian my Tado connected as I've moved it to a secondary router on Vodafone, but have exactly the same issue as described by others (and previously experienced in Feb) - on EE 5G (but same issue on EE 4G and on multiple different routers). Happy to help you with you investigations but not sure my IT skills will stretch that far... Has anyone had any success on an EE forum?

  • It's been raised on the EE forum @jonlerneruk but they say nothing has changed on their end.