w.Intercom = i;Keep public roadmap up to date — tado° Community

Keep public roadmap up to date

Tado publishes a public roadmap here which is commendable for a heating technology company, but expected for a disruptive tech company. However, the rate of updates to the roadmap is particularly low, with the last update provided many many months ago: 31-08-2018. It would be excellent if the roadmap could be updated on a half or quarter yearly schedule.

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  • Jakosaur
    Jakosaur ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019

    To start off with, I'm not saying development is easy. It's the opposite.

    It's very disapointing to see the roadmap is now gone. Been a long time since it "was" updated and a new feature "was" implemented.

    A monthly update on what's been worked on (app features + firmware updates), don't give release dates but an update on what's being worked on and how far through development the features / firmware updates are. Obviously they can say a feature is 75% complete, but I said don't give a date as they'd need to thoroughly test everything before public release.

    I was looking forward to a few of the features on the roadmap (Calcification Protection & Location-based control per Zone/Room), but now the roadmap is gone I'm starting to think they weren't even being worked on sadly. No word of them since.

    The same devices (let's say Radiator Valves) but from different production date have different firmware numbers. Even if a fix is only relevant to one production date worth of Valves lets say, just push a new firmware to all related devices to keep the firmware numbers the same. Allow us to see whether a new fimware is available, keep your firmware queue but notifing the user of an update so they can expect one somewhen is a start.

    All the social media does now is promotional marketing, which is fine but why not have a monthly blog update to address customer concerns and update us on features & firmware updates that may be coming to our devices?

    A long comment, but had to get it out there. A little concerned as a customer who's invested in the whole heating system as will a lot of other people too.

    Tado, I await your response.

  • Hello teabot and Jakosaur,

    At tado°, we continuously reevaluate our priorities based on user feedback and market trends. And over the years we’ve found that a public roadmap is not the best way to track or share information about new developments. 

    So we’ve decided to remove the roadmap from our Help Center. And we’ll now be engaging  in a more direct dialogue with our users through this new tado° Community.  We’ll continue to develop new features and will notify our existing users when we launch them.

    The Suggestions, Ideas and Improvement section in the tado° Community is open to all. You can suggest new ideas and/or vote for other users’ ideas. In this way, we hope to keep track of our users’ interests and direct our product development accordingly in the future. 



  • Hi Germán,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I understand the reason it was removed, priorities change and development may not go as planned. There's a lot of good ideas on here that should be looked into 🙂

    Would we be able to have an update on features like Calcification Protection & Location-based control per Zone/Room? Personal two favourite features from the roadmap? More like to know if development started on them, or whether they're on the backlog.


  • The roadmap page is actually not available anymore? Is there still a roadmap? The feature I'm looking out for is multi-home support. It was on the roadmap, and there is a topic on the forum requesting feedback, but there is no sign of whether it is going to be part of the app or not. Are there any plans to open the roadmap again?

    I bought the second tado with the idea that multi-home support would be coming, now we're basically completely in the dark?

  • Dear Germán,

    Would it then be possible to tell us which update(s) are in the pipeline are to be expected in the near future? It is very nice you want to engage in dialogue, and keep track with the wishes of the users. However, currently the dialogue feels a bit one-sided and the users have no way whatsoever to keep track of the development. I checked the English, German, Dutch and French section and couldn't find a single concrete sentence like "We're currently developing/testing feature X" let alone "feature Y is to be expected to be released by...".

    Best regards,


  • Yeah, would be nice to know what's in development/planned.

    Currently being worked on, partially done but put to the side as something more important needs doing first, or not started yet. Expected release dates are fine, just put an * to say timeline may change. But even without dates, it'd be nice to see what is actually being worked on as now we've got no idea 🙂

  • mw9342
    mw9342 ✭✭✭


    Seems that tado have resolved the issue of having an out-of-date roadmap by simply removing it altogether. When I try to load Roadmap I just land at the generic Help Centre page and searching for roadmap delivers no results.

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