w.Intercom = i;Support newer version of Worcester HT-BUS — tado° Community

Support newer version of Worcester HT-BUS

I just upgraded from a worcester bosch greenstar cdi to a worcester bosch greenstar 8000 life. On my old boiler I could connect to the digital low voltage interface bus however the new boiler the ht-bus is not supported and I couldn't simply change over I had to rewire to the old relay style. The bus interface is better and is easier to install. On the new boiler I could connect it but the tado just continuously called for heat even if the temperature was way above what was set. I think supporting these newer interfaces would really help sell Tado to friends and family with the ease of setup and not requiring to mess around with a 230v electrical current.
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  • Please implement this

  • Any news on this? Would really like to use modulated control instead of the basic relay style interface.
  • Same here. I also have a greenstar 8000 life and would like to take advantage of flow temp modulation.

  • We are waiting

    This needs priority
  • Got 18 Tado TRVs and had to replace the boiler - now have an Greenstar 8000. PLEASE can we have this working - otherwise it kind of makes no sense having the Tado kit.

  • Even the new controller (https://uk.installers-shop.tado.com/products/wireless-smart-thermostat-starter-kit-v3-eu-version) is still not compatible for modulation control

  • 2023 and still not supported, is it really that hard to extend the programming on the thermostat to talk the same protocol?
  • Has anyone tried this yet, it looks like it might solve the issue?


  • This adapter is to use the Bosch EasyControl to control the below heating appliances:

    • modulating heating systems with OpenTherm-protocol
    • on/off-appliances and district heating systems
    • older boilers with iRT-protocol

    I doubt it would allow OpenTherm control of Greenstar 8000 Life boiler

  • It’s near the end of 2023. When will this be implemented? Lot of people have been asking this for last 2-3 years!!!!
  • Please implement this - lots of people in the same boat here
  • Please implement this - now more people in the same boat :-(

  • is there any alternative options to this? Getting rid of tado and installing something else? This on/off mode relay system is costing me a fortune!

  • The only supported option for EMS is the WB own smart system. We have it but have just invested in Tado because it’s TRV heads are very poor. It was only during DIY installation that I found out that there are issues with compatibility. Does anyone have any idea regarding how much extra gas the on/off relay mode costs them. We have modulation but have had 5 x £75 TRV headers fail within 3 and a half years.

  • Jumping in on this Thread as it's now 2024 and Still no EMS2 support.
    Here's what I have found so far though:

    My Tado was connected to my old boiler (Worcester Bosch 42-CDI) via EMS using Control D17 (HT-BUS) which worked.
    I have just had my Worcester Bosch 8000+ installed. Which from what I've read supports EMS2.
    I also read that Tado do not support EMS2, however…
    I connected the Tado Wired Thermostat to the boilers EMS (1) and (2) connections using the original settings on the Tado, and it would not fire the boiler in a call for Heat.

    I've switched the Tado Config to D27 (Bosch EMS+) and the call for heat works now.

    So the questions are now.
    1) When using this EMS(1)(2) connection is it going to modulate my boiler?
    2) If is doesn't modulate will this override the internal modulation of the boiler (which apparently reads the differential between outgoing and incoming flows)?
    3) Should I rewire this and use the "On/Off Thermostat" connections and COM/NO, and use Relay mode (R01) ?

    Would be nice if Tado would have guided me, or better still been able to ask the question with a real Tado specialist person :(

  • Update to my previous post.

    EMS+ did work for the call to heat, but actually never switched off the boiler again, when there was no demand. It seems to leave a "Slight" call for heat…
    My 8000+ did seem to work out that there was little call for heat (I assume by monitoring flow/return temps), and modulate somewhat, but the call was still there. I noticed this via my smart meter displaying a slow gas usage even when Tado was switched off. (fyi: I have no other Gas requirement in the property and if I turn off my boiler usage, smart meter displays 0 (so no slight gas leaks either) Phew!

    So have now reverted down to Relay mode (R01) and rewired.

    Nearly 2025 and still no EMS2 support from Tado. This is such a shame. Worcester Bosch seem to have the largest market share (in the UK at least), and their EasyControl and Bosch stats in general are not great. Tado could absolutely Corner the market if they support EMS2. EMS2 seems prevalent in New WB Boilers, and future too.

    With the new regulations on Boiler Efficiencies for Climate change, please please please add support for EMS2.

  • Absolutely agree with everything you have said. I wish Tado would simply state if EMS2 can be implemented or not and if it can then please help out all those like me who want modulation working on their current boilers. Tado is a great system and has been reliable for me, but the lack of digital control for WB boilers is very disappointing and costing me more to operate via relay
  • I agree and have the exact same request for tado. I complained to support and they said the usual stuff about it being possible for the future but with no timeframe. It has been 4 years now, and with such a big boiler brand I can only assume tado have some problem making use of the Worcester protocols. Why don't they admit this to people? I guess they prefer to keep mis-selling their products to people like us who expected tado modulation to work with such a big brand boiler. It shows an outrageous lack of respect for their customers.

  • Try messaging their Linkedin page to complain. We need to build some momentum on this as they've got our money but are refusing to listed to us; https://www.linkedin.com/company/tadogmbh/