IFTTT - Return to tado auto mode - Graph should show auto mode colour.
Minor request for change. When using IFTTT to return tado to auto mode all standard functionality works perfectly. However, even though tado resumes full control the graph displays all time after this in grey (manual mode). This remains until you manually go in and change the temperature and cancel (or use a timed duration…
Alexa Humidity Reporting
This function is available on the Google ecosystem, but not with Amazon's one. Currently only the temperature is reported, can the humidity also be fedback. i could then use this to automate the extractor fans in the bathroom, kitchen and utility rooms when needed.
Improvements to the Wireless Receiver / Programmer Cover
In the UK, many modern houses have the programmer / controller in an easily accessible place and it is not uncommon to find them on the kitchen wall about 20cm or so above a kitchen worktop. They are therefore potentially at risk of splash or dirt ingress. Many of these controllers / programmers have the cables coming in…
Weekly view in heating activity
There are monthly and yearly view in heating activity report. Can you add a weekly view as well to cover 52 weeks? Should be a relatively simple thing to add to the report
App Bug Found - Boiler Running with Rads Off
Hi All, I found a bug in your app. I have been using Tado for 2 weeks without issue, it's great (but would love a 30min boost button per room). I recently added my wife to my home to share control. During a demo of the app, she pushed the "Boost" button and then a few seconds later clicked the "turn all off " button to…
Download sensor data
It will be very helpful to download sensor data to develop an understanding of the heating patterns in my house. The product is fantastic, and this feature would enhance the product tremendously. I had Beurer temperature and humidity sensors in each room in my previous house. After comparison, I was able to regulate the…
Bug in the way heating activity is calculated
According to Tado's app my heating system has been on for 20h per day on average during the last month, and 24 full hours the day before yesterday. In reality my boiler has been on for only about 10 minutes the day before yesterday, and the same goes for the rest of the month. The reason for this funny discrepancy becomes…
Heating Activity Chart
I have been looking at the heating activity chart and it is quite hard to see the usage difference due the scaling on the chart. The same size columns can be very different on low usage. It would be good if the chart could auto scale depending on my usage. It would be a lot easier to compare day in day, month on month. Do…
Heating Activity report
Heating Activity report is inflated by TRVs working independently that do not really contribute to extra heating requests. So, in my current setup I have a set-back temperature overnight across all Zones. However, most of time the heating will only trigger after a few good hours (that's the point of set-back, save on…
Update from the tado° Heating Installation product team about the Zone Controller Feature
We would like to share some of the smaller product improvements that the Heating Installation product team has been working on. The primary reason is to get feedback from our community to see if certain features are clear or if more clarity is required. As the Heating Installation product team we mainly deal with the DIY…
The Big Idea Archive
We have reached 24 pages of ideas, and the overview is lost. To enable new users to get an overview of the most popular ideas, all ideas that did not receive any upvotes in the past years will be archived to this topic. You can give your idea a 2nd chance by opening a new topic if you wish.
Smart AC readings for Measuring Room Temp/Humidity
Scenario where you have a radiators and AC in room. The radiator have valve, but readings from valves are way off due simply location Reading of Smart AC is great, as you can position it on good place. When you open the Room properties you have the option to choose Measuring Unit, but the Smart AC is not there. Please…