w.Intercom = i;V3+ users can now request Offline Schedule - Page 3 — tado° Community

V3+ users can now request Offline Schedule



  • hugbilly
    hugbilly ✭✭✭
    edited September 19

    Yes indeed, I've thought the same.

    In situation 2. the text in my screen grab suggests that the offline TRV will open and close according to temperature and local (TRV based?) schedule but its supply of hot water will need to depend on other devices in the same zone calling for heat.

    In situation 1. I suppose the schedule (including calls for heat) will be preserved and, I assume manual adjustments to devices will also receive a response. But, I wonder whether the bridge will continue to function should it lose its ethernet connection to the router.

    It would be useful to have some release notes giving more details of the offline feature, perhaps @Emcee would be able to help with this.

  • Hi, has anyone had the offline schedules yet ?
  • hugbilly
    hugbilly ✭✭✭
    edited September 20

    Yes, the feature appeared on my system about 10 days after I requested it. But of course you only know it's there if something actually goes offline!

  • Great thanks, I put the request in a couple of days ago, I'm new to tado ! Do how did you know when it appeared ? Did your Internet go down and you then realised, or did you get a notification ?
  • No, one of the TRVs lost contact with the bridge . . .

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    I think I have an issue but I may have the whole thing wrong!!

    My lounge has 2 rads with trvs, 1 of which is furthest from the bridge and both are controlled by a wireless temp sensor as measuring device.

    The furthest trv occasionally loses contact and did so with the new 'system' and claimed to be able to continue etc etc.

    Is that correct? It was not in contact with 'owt! and would not know when target temp reached etc.

  • Rob
    Rob Admin

    @cbd20 Sorry for the late reply to your relevant question.

    A V3+ heating device with the offline schedule enabled, will follow its schedule when it has lost connection to the cloud, regardless of the reason it lost this connection. So both in your 1. and your 2. case.

    When a device has lost connection to the bridge, it will still open/close its valve or switch its relay based on the schedule and the measured temp, but it obviously cannot connect to the zone controller any more. So it won't actively fire the boiler, as there is no connection to the boiler. It then functions as a room without zone controller, depending on other rooms to fire the boiler.

  • ChrisJ
    ChrisJ ✭✭✭

    @samd My understanding (and I may be wrong) is that with the new offline feature the schedule is stored in the 'measuring' device (in this case the wireless temp sensor). So even if the TRV loses connectivity to the bridge, provided the TRV and wireless sensor are still communicating then things should work as expected.

    It would be good if someone from Tado could clarify how these different variations behave … @Emcee @Rob

  • Rob
    Rob Admin


    With V3+, all communication between tado devices happens via the bridge. So if a certain heating device loses connection to the bridge, it also loses connection to all other devices.

    Honestly, I do not know what happens when a radiator thermostat goes offline in a room that has a second device as the temperature sensor. I'll try to find out.

  • ChrisJ
    ChrisJ ✭✭✭

    @Rob thanks, clearly I was indeed missing something. Unfortunate that the bridge is a single point of failure. I think some key questions are:

    Is the schedule for a zone is pushed to all capable devices in the zone or just to the zone controller?

    If the former, will any device that becomes disconnected operate autonomously?

    i.e. in the scenario mentioned, do the TRVs even have the schedule? And if they do will they execute it if they become disconnected?

  • I know it states this should be activated 1-3 weeks after signing up, but I've been waiting a few weeks now and nothing has changed :o(
  • hugbilly
    hugbilly ✭✭✭

    @NeilpK you'll only know if a device disconnects . . .

  • hugbilly
    hugbilly ✭✭✭

    @ChrisJ said "do the TRVs even have the schedule? And if they do will they execute it if they become disconnected?"

    The display a disconnected TRV shows suggests it will continue to open and close, following the schedule: