w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }V3+ users can now request Offline Schedule - Page 5 — tado° Community

V3+ users can now request Offline Schedule



  • Is the SU12 Wireless Temperature Sensor compatible?
    Form submited earlier, but not active
  • If you pull the back off it, what does it say? Are you going off that or the serial number?
  • @hugbilly
    Release notes are a no-go at the moment.

    I can see in the backend that it's not been enabled for you yet.

    FYI to the thread, my colleagues have asked for some patience ont he activation front. This is quite a busy time for them and many of your have made the activation request. For this reason, expected time for activation has been extended from 1-3 weeks to 1-6 weeks. My apologies to those still waiting. We are doing our best.

  • This is wonderful, I’ll be submitting my request. Thank you for listening to / acting on feedback.

    Just to clarify, as the language in post and support document isn’t quite clear to me: if the device goes offline while in Away mode, it will continue to operate in Away mode… right? It won’t switch to the Home schedule? It will simply continue operating according to the last active set of instructions - whether Home or Away - at the time it went offline? (I think this is what the documents are saying, it’s just Away mode isn’t something that I would usually think of as being a schedule, as it’s constant until turned off.)
  • @ChrisJ
    It is the heating devices that store the schedule, not the bridge. When there is a disconnection from the bridge, the Smart Radiator Thermostat (for instance), can still open/close the valve. On the other hand, when the connection to the bridge is still there, SRT can also call for heat from the boiler (assuming it is the zone controller)

    As soon as your devices go offline, they will follow their Smart Schedule even if you are 'Away'. This means, for instance, if you left on a long summer holiday and your Smart Schedule was still set to heat at 25 degrees, then your home would overheat should your devices go offline. Users need to take precautions with their Smart Schedule before leaving for long periods of time. Being 'Away' is not enough to prevent heating.

    I wanted to double check not to give you erronious information, but yes your devices are correct based on the API.

  • hawkman
    edited November 2024
    @Emcee thanks for the info, but I’m now more confused!

    Does this mean that if a device - or even all devices - are set to Away mode with an Away Temperature set, if they drop offline they will suddenly start operating on the Home schedule instead?

    That would be very surprising! Wouldn’t that mean I have to trash the Home schedule and painstakingly recreate it for every room when I get back?
  • @Emcee

    Does that mean if you switch the heating off (via the big button at the top of the app) and lose your internet connection, it will switch everything back on again and use the default home schedule?
  • Any answer to the question about what happens if a zone has both a TRV and wireless temperature sensor, and one, or both go offline?

    I have a zone where the TRV will often drop connection, but the temperature sensor less so due to it's position nearer the bridge. I assume in this scenario the TRV would not behave based on the temperature sensors schedule?
  • Victor_Delta
    edited November 2024

    I have a Tado V3+ Wired Smart Thermostat controlling a CH boiler in relay mode. I'm a bit confused by the offline schedule so apologies if the following is a stupid question.

    Am I to understand that if say one's home internet connection is lost, or one's router goes faulty, then the thermostat will stop working? Or will it stay on the current schedule? If the latter, what is the benefit of the offline schedule facility?


  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    @ms1984 It's the trv which has the schedule - the WTS is the measuring device.

  • @Emcee in regard to your comment to @hawkman about Away mode being overridden by the offline process, assuming a user doesn't want to turn off the heating completely (am waiting to see your response to @DTWD on that question) would using one of the other schedules for 'long-term' away periods get around this? e.g. if the usual Home schedule is Mon-Fri, Sat, Sun and for long term away periods the user created a Mon-Sun schedule and switched over to it instead, would an internet outage mean the TRVs will maintain the Mon-Sun schedule as it was the last one implemented? If yes, it doesn't change the fact that Away mode isn't completely fit for purpose, but it would at least be a way to cover for planned long term absences. Many thanks (waiting for offline schedule to be implemented for me - only requested it 17th Nov but hoping it will be switched in time for Xmas).

  • I put in a request for offline scheduling weeks ago. I then followed it up with a further request incase the first hadn't gone through about 3 weeks ago and have still heard nothing. I know only a few of my devices are compatible but I haven't heard anything at all. Could someone on Tado support please respond.

    Kindest Regards


  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    edited January 16

    ..Hello @sjb83

    Apologies for the wait, I wanted to confirm with my co-workers before getting back to you.
    For the instance you've described, you can use a different schedule (with lower temperatures) from "schedule types" before going away. Even easier would be to use manual control temperature with the "until you cancel" duration. This will most likely prevent the heating from going on, even if the device goes offline and the offline schedule activates.

    @jdickinson9999@. I can confirm your email is on the list. The agent will get to you asap.

  • @Emcee

    Could you please check the status of my Offline Schedule request ?!

  • Could you also please check the status of my Offline Schedule request.

  • Hi @Emcee, it would be great if you could check the status for me too.
  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator

    Hello @OldTimer and @danoene

    Please be patient for a response about the off-line schedule status, @Emcee is on leave.

    Thank you.

  • Hi @Emcee

    Could you please check the status of my Offline Schedule request?

  • @ms1984 @Emcee

    I think I've found a bug in the offline schedule function where a room is using a TRV and a wireless temp sensor. Please see my new post:

  • eezytiger
    eezytiger ✭✭✭
    @Emcee Hi. If I understand correctly there should be an indication in the app when the offline schedules feature has been enabled.

    Offline schedules were supposedly enabled for my account months ago, but there is nothing to suggest this in the app. Do I misunderstand or has my account not actually been set up for offline schedules? Obviously, having submitted my request months ago, I wish offline schedules to be enabled. Could you please check my account? Thanks.
  • @eezytiger There's nothing in the app to show that offline schedules have been enabled. It only shows if they are currently in use.
  • mperedim
    mperedim ✭✭✭

    @Emcee @Rob Happy new year :)

    Hope you can help out a bit here. Y/day night a temp sensor in my home lost connection to the bridge and apparently the OFFICE room (said sensor, one TRV) entered some sort of funny state where:

    1. the device appeared online in the UI. The UI history clearly indicates me lowering the temperature from 21C to 18C at 23:52 local time) and a temperature measurement till 0010 local time or so
    2. the TRV apparently closed
    3. however, due to lack of connectivity with the sensor, the bridge apparently still kept (and sent to the extension kit) a call-for-heat command
    4. the result was a boiler that kept humming all night long, making my natural gas distributor happy and me … well, not so happy

    Now, your L1 support is somewhat adamant that enabling the "Offline Schedule" (*) will fix this problem. I've told them that I don't see how, since the Offline Schedule is all about bridge-to-internet (lack of) communication and not about bridge-to-sensor or bridge-to-TRV, but they kind of insist.

    Can you please clarify whether my understanding or support's understanding is correct?

    (*) which I found out still has not been enabled for me for some reason, even if I've filled my email for quite some time in the form. Anyways :)

  • If the TRV loses comms with the bridge, it will go into offline schedule mode (from first hand experience).
  • @Emcee @Rob following on from my post above and possible bug report, please can you confirm whether offline scheduling is enabled for my account?

    I received the offline enabled confirmation last year, but all indications are that it's not enabled (or there's a bug as per my other thread).

    Thank you
  • @adrianis, OldTimer, danoene, BBBD, your email is on the list, our agents should get to you soon.

    cdmstr your account is marked as having offline schedule enabled.

  • @Emcee thank you, in that case there is definitely a bug/issue. I'll bump my post with the report.
  • I'm thinking of getting the v3+, are all v3+ units RU2 and therefore compatible with offline scheduling? I'm just asking as if I buy pre-owned v3+ then will i need to make sure its a RU2?


  • Hi,
    Is the offline sheduling is well available for Tado X owners ?
    I just bought and installed some recently, and found out this morning that when wifi or internet connection is cut, there is no heat at all anymore in my home. It's clearly a non-sense, so before send it back these products I would like to know if my Tado X can have an offline mode enabled.

  • Hello @JLO

    tado° X comes with offline schedule automatically. You can read more about it here.

  • Update on my previous post: the take away here seems to be that the process to enable offline scheduling is "blind" - Tado support doesn't actively see whether devices have successfully enrolled into offline scheduling. So if you have offline scheduling enabled but it's not working, raise a support query.