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tado° Server Problems (November 2024)



  • sdw
    edited November 2024

    same here, U.K.

    Notification to replace batteries in room with multiple radiators, will not blink to easily identify!

  • Adzyp
    Adzyp ✭✭
    edited November 2024

    Why is nobody from Tado acknowledging this? They are answering other posts but ignoring these type of queries?

  • Not working here as well in The-netherlands, slow as *** and also my smart thermostat keep loading on download icon (even after reset and setup opentherm correctly). Heating (three heating icons) doesn't change even when I turn everything off. I cannot rely on it now so need to disconnect everything…
    @Tado!! fix it please.

  • jiggs1337
    edited November 2024

    Same here.

    Tado also got stuck on yesterday for us. Nothing was requesting heat, and the light for heating was off on the receiver, yet it had the boiler on for 15 hours before we noticed. I had to turn it off at the fuse and wait 5 minutes before turning it on for it to stop constantly asking for heat from the boiler.

    Everything is incredibly slow this morning. Rooms are overheating because of massive overshoot which seems likely due to the readings not reaching the servers to stop requesting heat.

    EDIT: Actually the stuck on thing is happening right now again. The heat light on the receiver is off, and I told all thermostats to stop asking for heat, and yet the boiler has been running continuously for 5 hours. Very frustrating. It's as if something that asked for heat went offline or something, and it just stays in that state?

  • Hello @Mushy

    I think raising a ticket with support is fine and it certainly helps us get a sense of the problem.

    But I also want to reassure you that we are doing our best. Currently, a vast majority of users have their tado° set-up working normally. It is just a small subset of devices that are still lagging. We are actively trying to find a solution for these unlucky few.

  • Velvelian
    edited November 2024

    I have same issue but notice the speed the command is being action is decreasing from 60 sec to less than 10!! looks like they are in the process of fixing it!?

  • I too am suffering serious 'lag' problems, and no reply from support.
    When serious ear ache from a cold wife is added this really needs addressing.
    I am ready to remove the whole lot.
    Come on support, at least acknowledge my ticket raised over 3 jours ago.
  • cbd20
    cbd20 ✭✭✭

    @Emcee I'm not entirely convinced it's only a few devices that are lagging…

    As I've previously mentioned, unlike some others my schedule is working fine. However, a blink display command or other command takes over a minute to take effect. I'm also experiencing slow down in the app when loading the room graphs. So this seems to be an issue with the app talking to the server, or the server not responding to an app request.

    If I was to guess, with the recent sales on V3+ devices, is it not the likely to be the case that the servers simply cannot cope with the sudden increase in users?

    I'm amazed the Server Status page is still claiming there's no issue too.

  • Mister_Jingles
    edited November 2024


    Define 'vast majority'. I´m from germany and I have the same problem since the day before yesterday. The way I see it, more and more Tado users are starting to experience this.

    The thermostats are reacting with a huge delay or not at all. I even spoke already with the support who gave me default advice - which anybody with a laptop and google can find for themselves. I got told that my battery power is signaled as being low. Even though the app - your app - is telling me otherwise. I also switched the batteries just a few weeks ago. No way they are already low.

    My heating system is acting out and there is nothing I can do. Thermostats and system re-initialized, re-calibrated and even switched out whole thermostats from one radiator to the other. Nothing does anything.

    It´s a real pain.

    Some real feedback from the backend would be something here …

    Mister Jingles

    - who doesn´t like rants; doesn´t like smart home devices getting stupid, either -

    P.S.: Before this problem (and your support telling me they can see my battery level) I actually never realized that data from my Tado system is send to some server somewhere. Why is that? Why isn´t this a closed loop system? Send a command to the bridge, bridge sends command to the thermostat - done. Why does a server in wherever-land have to be involved?

  • dchao
    edited November 2024


    Same here, server response time is extremely slow here, “call for heat’ takes ages to arrive at my boiler, leaving the whole house extremely cold during this cold spell. Even the “blink HI” on display takes ages to arrive too. Tado, you need to fix this ASAP, top priority, specially during the winter months.

  • dchao
    edited November 2024


    Everything relies on the online tado server, that’s how the system was designed. If you want your system to have off-line scheduling during an internet outage, you have to sent a request to tado support. But I suspect this problem is to do with server running slow, so the off-line mode probably won’t help.


  • Still seem to be ongoing problems. None of my thermostats are responding.....not the internet. Bridge is connected. App seems OK. Just no response from room thermostats.

  • Another user with issues here (UK). Took a very long time (~1 hour?) to connect to cloud. Once connected, TRV taking about 30-60 seconds to respond, if at all. Often times the TRV just doesn't respond to a request, and sending a blink request triggers it to open. But in that case, the graph seems bugged where the desired temperature is displayed but all three radiator 'heat bars' are off?

    It seems like it's a server load issue? I've also noticed that connectivity seems worse 'on the hour', where presumably a lot of schedules are going to change and drive traffic.
  • My thermostat is stuck in configuration presume this is also a server issue. TADO sort it out, it’s cold!
  • dchao
    edited November 2024

    Problem continues. Two rooms are calling for heat, but the boiler controller is not firing up the boiler (no error and no heating light on the controller). Is the cloud scheduler still offline? Even when working, there seems to be a large delay between room calling for heat and actually switching on the boiler (same for switching the boiler off)

    Moderator: Please post the current server status here in the forum, so we know what’s going on.

  • Update to my post from yesterday:

    The reaction time of the thermostats, when controlled from the app, is normal again. Appx 2-3 seconds.

    Thanks, in case somebody did something ^^

  • fenny
    edited November 2024
    Was OK earlier today, but still seems to be server load issues 'on the hour'. Took about a minute for blink to occur.
  • No improvement here for me at 5pm
  • dchao
    edited November 2024

    Servers slowing down again, (5pm GMT), Took forever for the “Hi” ping to arrive. As a result, the TRV’s and boiler are super unresponsive now again!

    Tado, are you trying to fix it?

    6pm GMT Update: my boiler receiver has just got a wireless comm error light randomly flashing at me now!

  • I'm new to tado and having the same issue. Taking forever to respond to changes in the app and on the thermostat (even longer with the former). Display "hi" also took about 1-2minutes to appear.

    I had the flashing error light about an hour ago too but didnt last long

    As I'm new to tado, if this doesn't fix soon I'll be returning it and either refitting my basic Honeywell or trying a competitor
  • Same issue here. I'm in the UK and I have had the V3's for a couple of years, no issues.
    Yesterday heating was working in the morning. Around 8.30pm we noticed the room had not warmed up. Apps said heating to 23, but temp wasn't changing.
    One radiator valve needed new batteries, hit the blink button, nothing. I changed them anyway, app still says the batteries need changing. After a few minutes, I noticed it flashing hi. It did
    this three separate times.
    Woke up this morning, and the heating was working, but didn't need it, so turned it off. Tried turning it back on 2 hours ago, no response.
    Turned EVERYTHING off for 30 minutes. Boiler fired up when I turned on the main thermostat in the hall. Success!? No.
    Tried turning on another one, no response, and now the hallway has stopped heating.

    What's going on? Wife wants to go back to basic radiator valves 😕
  • royi
    royi ✭✭✭

    On Tado status page it's showing degraded performance for the Device connectivity. Here's the link to status page status.tado.com

  • That status page says the issue is with smart AC devices which isn't the problem here
  • royi
    royi ✭✭✭

    @tadouser224 Ignore what it says at the top of the page. If you look further down the page it shows 'Device connectivity' and in yellow it says 'Degraded Performance'.

  • cbd20
    cbd20 ✭✭✭

    @royi I believe the box at the top of the page is the detailed description of known issues. In other words it's an expansion of the "Device connectivity" "Degraded performance" status.

    It literally says: "We have observed a potential degradation in the connectivity of the Smart AC Control devices. We're currently actively investigating the issue."

    i.e tado are only acknowledging degradation of device connectivity of their smart AC controls.

  • royi
    royi ✭✭✭
    edited November 2024

    @cbd20 I can see that the known issue is the AC Control device. They said the Device connection has been resolved but this isn't the case. Users including me are still experiencing issues and it hasn't been resolved. If it was resolved it be showing green in the status bar and not showing yellow or did Tado support forget to update the system and change it back to green.

  • cbd20
    cbd20 ✭✭✭

    @royi oh no I 100% agree that users are experiencing issues. I, too, am seeing a severe lag on some things.

    My point is the status page is purely acknowledging degraded performance for device connectivity of AC control devices. They have not formally acknowledged there is a wider issue affecting the heating devices via the status page. I'm not sure why they're not. Perhaps somebody in support clicked the wrong option.

    Clicking the connectivity status bar shows the following:

  • dchao
    edited November 2024

    I think this could be a server load issue (as it definitely happens more in the evening UK time). Something caused the server to overload and not process incoming requests fast enough, it could be a bug in the software, a cold weather spell, server bandwidth, hacker attack or something else ….. Tado needs to investigate this further. The status page does not give you the server load as %, only the admin can see it.

    Right now, our Tado system is running perfectly, ping time to TRV < 1 second, boiler response is very quick. There was a system-wide reset a few minutes ago (saw the download config symbol). I hope this is fixed now.

  • Unknown
    edited November 2024
    This content has been removed.
  • For me the problems started at about 08:00 Wednesday morning. (20/11/24)

    It seemed to me that everything was out of step. the wireless temperature sensors (WTS) said one thing and the app said another. The boiler, a Vaillant, kept going into protected mode as I assume it was receiving too many on/off commands from the Wireless receiver (WR). This meant that the radiators never achieved the asked for temperature. However the heating LED on the WR stayed permanently on.

    Since this morning (Sunday) the boiler/WR seem to have sorted out their differences. However the app is not showing the same temps as the WTSs and is claiming it is asking for heating in two rooms when the LED on the WR is off.

    It seems as long as I ignore the app and let the schedule run it appears to be working, but the app is still broken