w.Intercom = i;Can't get any hot water if Tado is calling for radiator heat — tado° Community

Can't get any hot water if Tado is calling for radiator heat

I've got a Worcester Greenstar Heatslave combi boiler with a wired Tado v3+ thermostat connected via digital (EMS) bus (setting D17).

Hot water is permanently ON in Tado, 24 hours a day, and set to max (65°C).

I've noticed that when Tado is running the central heating (i.e. when a room thermostat calls for heat), my boiler quickly runs out of hot water to the taps. A few times now I've started to run a bath when Tado has coincidentally fired up the central heating.

When this happens the boiler seems to switch from providing hot water to providing heating, and so I'm very quickly left with no hot water and a cold bath!

The key thing here is this did not happen with my previous boiler controller (the boiler's own Worcester programmer). Before Tado, hot water always seemed to trump heating demand and I was able to run hot baths.


  • @Emcee This is an EMS /HT specific bus matter. As @Rob is no longer assisting, would you be open to arranging for someone from support to assist @macaroon?

  • Hello @macaroon

    As my colleague Muhammed explained, we would recommend that the hot water zone be deleted from your app. From there, check if everything is working as it should.

  • I have this issue too. Did you manage to fix it?
  • At the moment, every time I need hot water, I need to turn off the heating on the Tado app.

    Not ideal.
  • @smeetoo Hope you dont mind. The above problem that @Emcee handled was specific to the boiler and configuration which macaroon has in place.

    Is your problem and context identical? If not, would you set up another thread and we'll respond. If it is, please confirm.