w.Intercom = i;New/Old system problem — tado° Community

New/Old system problem

I've just bought a complete system from a neighbour who gave up on it. I got it for a song, but I am having an issue with it.

I bought it and set it up a while back, can't remember exactly when (maybe 8 weeks), but I did so because I'm going away for a couple of weeks and wanted to set a couple of rooms to stay at a set temperature and the rest on a frost protection setting.

Everything seemed to be going reasonably, but the first big problem arose this morning when I turned everything off using the app's "Turn off All Rooms" setting. I took little notice until I realised the boiler was still firing. The Hot Water of the Drayton controller was off so it wasn't that. I then heard the Wired Thermostat in the hall click, presumably turning the system off, but this was almost 30 minutes after I had turned the system off at the app.

As I am going away in a few days, can I ask if this is a temporary situation? It's not happened before. There is often a slight delay of a few minutes turning the heating on and off which I can cope with, but it's never been this long before. I need to trust the system won't burn through oil while I am away, so if this is common, I will de-install the system and go back to a timed heat twice a day while I am away. I'm happy either way, but just need to understand how much latitude I can give to the system's reliability to make an informed choice.

-System is

Oil Boiler, 2 x Wired Thermostats, 8 x TRV, 3 x Wireless Thermostat. Drayton Controller on Constant (both heating zones). Two of us have double-checked the settings, measuring devices and zone controllers just in case, but as I said, it's been fine until now.

App is installed on iPhone 12 and a MacBook Pro via Safari. I turned off the system via the Safari app, is there a delay using this method over the iPhone app perhaps?