w.Intercom = i;[Released – ver. 6.1] Allow changing the order of tiles/rooms — tado° Community

[Released – ver. 6.1] Allow changing the order of tiles/rooms

mw9342 ✭✭✭

Please allow us to change order of tiles in the v3+ app; in the pre-v3+ app we used to be able to change the order of the room stripes.



  • Yes, this worked very well in the previous version. Very annoyed that it's not available anymore!

  • Yes please update the app to allow this!
  • And allow them to rotate when turning phone/tablet on its side.
  • Would be a +1 from me also

  • This feature would be very welcome
  • ChrisJ
    ChrisJ ✭✭✭

    And please can we have an option to remove/hide the pointless 'Boiler Repair Services' tile. I know you have these services but I do not need to see this front and centre of my control interface every time I use the app.

  • +1 Basic interface functionality!

  • Yes please!! This is just a basic feature. Shame it's not implemented yet!

  • Would be nice to be able to rearrange the tiles on the home screen along with perhaps and option for different sized tiles and maybe some icons or photo option for rooms?
  • Agreed, this would be very handy to get my tiles in a logical order

  • Definite +1 from me. I've recently moved from Hive to Tado and am amazed that this isn't already possible. Hive has many, many faults (their TRVs are a disaster), but even Hive allows you to rearrange tiles in the app.

  • I second this. It's driving me mad that I adjust the rooms and now they're in the wrong order

  • Another +1. Started with four TRV's which went on the rooms I used most. Now I've added more the ones I'm most interested in are at the bottom.

  • +1. This is infuriating.
  • Very annoying to not be able to do this when it was available in the previous app version
  • This has got my vote too. Very frustrating that it's ordered by how I created the rooms. If I'd known this beforehand, I would have done my install a different way.

  • Please add this, its pretty essential.

  • Another +1
    With 3 room stats and 8 radiator stats it’s essential to be able to display the rooms in a user friendly order. Photos would be a great help too.
  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    Another +1 here - much needed

  • This still being ignored by Tado, how hard is it to reorder, remove if required (boiler repair tile), and allow tile to rotate to landscape.
    Remember, these companies are customer focused hahahahaha
  • Yes, +1

    What is so hard to add this small improvement to the app...

  • Jacopo
    edited November 2019

    Hi all I found out how to rearrange the tiles!

    You need to access here from your pc https://my.tado.com/webapp/#/home/settings/zone/1, then click on the "hamburger" icon on the top left corner

    You cannot do it from the phone

  • mw9342
    mw9342 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2019

    @Jacopo - hurrah, it's only taken tado seemingly forever to make this happen and then they won't even tell us about it; I can't remember when I raised this issue and, unfortunately, all dates in the forum don't show the year.

  • WTF? How did you even figure this out? I cant reach this https://my.tado.com/webapp from anywhere after logging in. I get redirected to https://my.tado.com/app. Its like a hidden URL?

  • It's just the old dashboard interface. As someone who has had tado for years I can use either. I assume it's the same for newer members though
  • Yeah it works for new users too, and its actually far more useful than the "new" one where you cant even edit schedules. Its bad enough tado seems to make absolutely no progress on their apps, implementing absolutely none of the features users have been begging for for years; now it turns out they are making things worse!

  • I would like to have a possibility to change order of rooms in UI.

    I cannot change it now and rooms are ordered by time of creation - it is not convenient.

  • +1 for this.

    Incredibly frustrating that I put my first 2 TRV’s on radiators in bedrooms. I’ve then purchased another 4 and have my entrance hall and kitchen sat at the bottom of the list where I would prefer these at the top.
  • You can do this by going here: https://my.tado.com/webapp/#/home/settings/zone/1

    Click on the 3 bars in the top-left, hover over the room you want to move and drag it up or down the list to change the order.

  • I’ll give it a go on the laptop later. Doesn’t seem to function via iPhone when following that link.