w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }[SOLVED EE ISP Issues] Bridge not connecting / cloud light flashing - Page 2 — tado° Community

[SOLVED EE ISP Issues] Bridge not connecting / cloud light flashing



  • @nickandrews I've got a support ticket raised to the developers (gone through two different support people) so just waiting now to hear back from them. Being that this has happened before and "magically" resolved you'd hope it's something on tado end. Being that the ipv4/cgnat config for EE has previously worked up until a few days ago, I can't see why that would be the issue (as has been mooted above), this definitely seems to be a change from tado that's causing the conflict. It'd be good to be able to diagnose internally what rhe failure is and I'm hoping that I'll be able to establish this with the developers help (by somehow getting a log file out of the bridge perhaps).
  • I was looking my heating activity and the fault started here on the 26th Thursday at 6:00am UK time.

  • @Sarge thanks - sounds like you know what you are talking about, which I do not! I think this is going to be the end for me and tado- the system needs to work, or at least revert back to a default schedule when there are connection issues. The fact that there are is no “local” network between the devices in my home is crazy
  • @nickandrews ha, nah I just talk a good game ;) but agreed, the lack of any local option surprised me. I used to have Honeywells "smart" system at an old house and that had its fair share of issues but none that meant I didn't have programmable heating for several days... Potentially more at this rate, four days and counting. I'm hoping that I'll hear from the devs today, will chase up this morning.
  • @kRt same here, I can't pinpoint exactly but it was definitely from around 4am Thursday morning.
  • @Sarge if you tap on any of your offline devices, you can see a graphic of bars on the top right corner. Tap there and it opens up your daily heating activity graphs by day. Scrow left to find ehen exactly the system stopped.

  • Xtn
    edited November 2020

    Hi Folks,

    I'm also using EE (4G) - Draytek 2862Ln and Ubiquiti Managed network.

    This has been working fine for 2-3 years - including since I switched off both BT & Sky ADSL lines around 3 months ago now..

    I have IPv6 switched off on my 4G EE connection (as some streaming services fail unless you disable it).

    I've raised a ticket via online chat - which I'm told is being escalated to the technical team (i've requested a ticket reference). If anyone else has either and EE or Tado ticket reference they are happy to share - i'll include them when I speak to either party..

  • Gosh hello everyone having same problem. Not just me!!

    Also 4GEE but always have been with Tado and it's been fine (about a year). I've been having from TCP issues with my connection too so I don't know if that's related, and I know of one other person having similar problems (see network section of EE forum).

    I'm still waiting for a response from support....

  • Stopped for me at 04:41 on Thursday 26th November.

  • @kRt ah thanks, mine went at 8pm on the Thursday, so I didn't notice until Friday morning.
  • @Xtn I've got a ticket raised on [1160920]. Just had a note to say that it's being investigated by developers however they "only have a limited number of developers that can take over this type of analysis. We will come back to you during the next week, as soon as we will have analyzed the data."

    So I'm not holding out for an imminent fix. I agree on the ipv6 situation with EE, I tried to enable it again last night using the advice here: https://github.com/jamesmacwhite/hh70-ee/wiki/IPv6-support - but it didn't help and I ended up losing SkyQ, Netflix and so on. Setting back to ipv4 only restored everything but Tado still dead. Just for clarity Tado didn't work even when I did have a ipv6 ip address assigned to the router.

    One thing I'm baffled by is why I can access my.tado.com from my phone yet if I ping using the diagnostic ping in my router it times out.. My phone is using the same connection so I'd expect it to do the same. So I'm just assuming the diagnostic ping is broken in the router but if I could find out what rhe actual ip address is for the tado cloud then it might help establish why the bridge is struggling to connect.

    Will keep you all updated as and when I get any info.
  • @Sarge the IP address is They use AWS and if you don't allow the ICMP protocol you can't ping it.

  • @AdamW ah thank you sir, that explains it.
  • @AdamW ICMP ping to results in a timeout, however a https ping to my.tado.com works... So that answers that then. Looks like I can't resolve a connection to their IP over EE, I'll try again on my work network tomorrow to see whether I can resolve from there.
  • Sorry for the long silence, i've been on call for my job so couldn't play with my internet connection, will see if i can get a router and private vpn setup tonight, which should allow Tado server to connect in to the bridge from outside. I guess Tado changed their communication/connectivity architecture/design and deployed it without anyone testing from a CGNAT'd network like EE. Shame the world can't just move to ipv6 as that is designed to solve this sort of problem (essentially the world is running out of ipv4 addresses and double NATing (CGNAT) is a way to save ipv4 addresses).

    Will keep you posted on my progress later

  • Xtn
    edited November 2020

    @Sarge - mine went offline at 8pm as well..

    I had a similar response saying devs will take a deeper look.

    initial suggestion was the CGNAT was at fault.. and I've replied to disagree - I don't believe this has changed (ie it's been CGNAT for some time).

    FYI - I disabled IPv6 specifically on my setup (I've found a certain on demand service provider will only allow downloads with the connection set to IPv4 only).

    I've also highlighted that under this years introduction of the Ofcom Broadband USO.. more people with lousy ADSL are being offered BT/EE 4G routers as the alternative... so the footprint is likely is only to grow.


    Fingers crossed.

  • I've also asked for the firmware history of my Internet bridge - and the length of any authentication tokens it may have used. That fact that Sarge went offline at the same time probably rules out my thinking it may have been an auth token or something expiring..

  • @Xtn Agreed - I'd be surprised if this is CGNAT related as this has been the case with EE 4/5G connections for many years. If it is related to this, then something at tado has changed in the last few days to now cause such a conflict as it's been working fine up until now.

    I too have ipv6 disabled for exactly the same reasons, SkyQ, Netflix etc. fail if I have ipv4/6 or ipv6 only enabled in the router. ipv4 only works fine.

    I had an email from support late last night to suggest trying to share a connection from a PC to the tado bridge (i.e. connect the PC with WiFi, then connect the tado to the ethernet port and share the internet connection). I'm hesitant to do this without an explanation (which I've asked for) as I can't see why having the same net connection being shared from the router via wifi on a PC will help in this scenario (rather than simply having the tado connect directly to the router). I'll give it a go at some point, but I'd like to know why they think this might help as it just seems like "finger in the air" fault finding at this stage.

  • Raven431
    edited December 2020

    Down in Kent mine has gone off just after 8am all the same stuff as you guys have suggested

    Does the smart schedule still work?

    EE 4g broadband customer to.

    Im kinda new at Tado. So i guess when i go out i will have to go round and set all the rad valves to lower now to?

  • Raven431
    edited December 2020

    To add to my post above it didn't work via the pc method suggested

    I have raised a ticket and linked this thread to, something has changed that has caused EE and tado to mess up. Question is who did what and can or will they undo it

  • Anyone else struggling to add comments to this thread now? When i write my comment and hit Post i get a popup saying "Your comment will appear after it is approved." :(

  • Raven431
    edited December 2020

    Lets hope not i think im ok to post?


    No pop up here

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    @SimonL Did your post contain an external link? Sometimes held for that.

  • I'm here with the same problem, EE 4G router, flashing cloud light on internet bridge, heating constant on, so manually changing the thermostat like the old days, only without a rudimentary timer! Mine went down on Saturday 28 at 10.45am, so a bit later than some of you.

    tado have pointed me to their usual advice, but presumably they know by now it's a 4G EE thing. We can only hope that they're working on a fix in the background and trying to fob us off in the meantime.

    The one thing that tado do suggest that I can't find a way to do on the EE router is change the router DNS to google's (I have had success on the PS4 doing this).

    A while ago I experimented by buying a Netgear 4G router to see if i'd get better speed and functionality, but i was plagued with 'Self Assigned IP' issues so I sent it back and stuck with the EE supplied router.

    When I tried plugging my computer into the ethernet port that the tado bridge should use i got a 'Self Assigned IP' for about a minute, before it connected to internet proper. I wonder if that is what is going on inside the bridge, except it never resolves?

  • [Try number 10 to post lol]

    Tado must have changed something on their side of things which means that Tado no longer works for people with ISPs that use CGNAT.

    I tried and failed to setup a secondary router with a vpn to allow port forwarding from internet. Couldn't get it to establish a connection, will keep trying.

  • Raven431
    edited December 2020

    I use a tplink 4G router, and my DNS is set to googles due to issues with HUE refusing to work with EE.

    Tado has always been fine until what ever borked it today

    With the suggestion to plug it into a pc on the same Wifi i would suggest they are now randomly suggesting stuff to see what sticks

  • Just thought i'd add that mine lost it's connection Thursday 26th at 20:30.

  • @Raven431 - sorry sir, once you lose connection to their servers you effectively lose everything. The only thing you can do is manually change the temps at the rads. All smart scheduling and so forth disappears so you need to shut off your heating yourself... Sad but true.

    Being that it's cold I've just left mine on all the time but that's not exactly efficient..
  • If you're using Homekit you can still control the stats from that (I've set up automations to turn things on and off but heating seems to be on more!)

  • +1 for the same issue here.

    Bridge lost remote access early hours of 27/11 over EE 4g.

    Raised a support ticket quoting this discussion.

    Fingers crossed!