w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }[SOLVED EE ISP Issues] Bridge not connecting / cloud light flashing - Page 3 — tado° Community

[SOLVED EE ISP Issues] Bridge not connecting / cloud light flashing



  • @AdamW homekit doesn’t control the hot water. That still needs to be switched on and off manually, which is a real pain because if you forget then 0600 in the morning it’s a cold shower ....brrrr 🥶
  • Happening to me too. On 4GEE Broadand and Tado stopped working the same time as everyone-else has been reporting. Annoying. Anyone with new news?

  • No response from my ticket yet

  • Just logged with Tado.

  • This has happened before and fixed itself on its own. A quick check over on the EE pages and they are saying they have done nothing to cause this

  • @Raven431 that is my post from earlier this year! The situation resolved after a couple of days- support just stopped responding to me so never got an explanation.

    My tado is down again- similar timing to yourselves
  • Same problem with my system. I’m on ee 4g using a tp-link modem. It was working perfectly for months and now nothing!! Cloud connection still down from 9:15am today. No amount of restarting and google dns changes will work.
  • Weird how our systems stop working at different times. Mine died at 1200 hrs on 27th November. It’s obviously a common issue between tado and EE- but odd that it went off at different times. Does someone with more tech knowledge than me know what might cause that?
  • different IP lease time?

  • Well that was fun, running around the house setting the stats down for night time only to wake up freezing.

    Lesson learnt set everything to 15 at bedtime

  • I have the same issues with virgin media!! At one point tado sent a new bridge but now it's happening again. No remote access and waking up to a freezing cold house
    Raised new tickets but tado have yet to respond.
  • Jurian
    Jurian Admin
    edited December 2020

    Hi everyone, we are currently investigating why it seems that many of the tado bridges have gone offline for certain UK customers.

    It is important to note that:

    1. tado has not done any firmware update for the bridge in recent history that could have triggered this issue.

    2. We have not changed anything on the server that could have caused a specific outage for one internet service provider in the UK.

    We are currently trying to get in touch with with affected customers to find the root cause of this issue.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi,

    It could also be that this is a TP-Link issue with an automated firmware update from their side ? And that it looks like an EE issue, just because EE is the most popular 4G home internet provider in the UK.

    Please list your internet providers and also the exact router/modem you are using in your post.

  • Internet provider = EE
    Modem = Zyxel
    Router = Ubiquiti Dream Machine Pro
  • I use a Unifi Security Gateway and a MikroTik LTE in bridge mode. I've also tried on the default EE router that they supply and issue persists.

    • ISP - EE
    • router - TPlink MR600

  • Raven431
    edited December 2020
    Provider EE

    Router TP Link MR6400
  • EE 4G

    HUAWEI B525s-23a 4G WiFi Router

  • So it’s not a tp link issue.
  • Surprise surprise issues with Tado connectivity! PLEASE RESET MY SYSTEM THAT YOU CHANGED WITHOUT NOTIFICATION NOR MY AGREEMENT, Jurian. I wish it to be returned to what I had on Monday 30th Nov 2020. With my connectivity issues I was asked to move the bridge/ turn it upside down side ways / longer connection. All that was missing was being asked to do the Hokey Cokey! I still maintain MAJOR issues with the Bridge and Smart Radiator Thermostats that could be vastly improved by linking in with the household Wifi.

  • From this small sample it seems to be an EE issue.

    We will send an email later today to all UK customers who seem to have lost their internet connection to their bridge to ask what their ISP, router model and internet connection type (4G, Cable, Fiber, DSL etc..) is. If you receive that email, please reply to it with the answers to those questions.

    In the mean time, could an EE customer open a thread on the EE forum:

    And maybe link to this thread also ?

    If we clearly establish a link between this outage and a certain ISP from the data we get from the mailing we will also try to contact that ISP directly.

  • https://community.ee.co.uk/t5/4GEE-WiFi/4GEE-Tado-stopped-working-suddenly/m-p/993084

    Already reported and they claim they didn’t do anything
  • AdamW
    edited December 2020

    edited to reserve judgement..

  • Can you guys not talk to each other? I
    Mean it’s a poor show when your customers are doing all the leg work while you blame each other.
  • @Raven431 As stated above:

    If we clearly establish a link between this outage and a certain ISP from the data we get from the mailing we will also try to contact that ISP directly.

    The mailing will go out in a few hours.

  • Raven431
    edited December 2020
    Fair enough I guess.

    Odd how hue and all my other smart systems work.
  • Generally find that as a customer I have to do all the leg work and the blame is NEVER accepted by Tado technical team. I have been a customer in the UK since the system came out and we used to have a customer service contact in the UK I think it was Daniel Brown and he was most helpful. Still awaiting an issue to be resolved for a LONG time the delays are so annoying especially when we spend a lot on some expensive hardware! Come on Jurian please reset my system!!

  • @Jurian although I expect it's highly likely that EE tweaked something, how does the Tado bridge work because it's the only that's been impacted for me. Arlo, Lightwave, Homekit, Hue, etc are all working as expected so regardless of any EE changes the Tado bridge must do something different with their connectivity.

  • Folks, I am by no means a network expert but I have been in Telecomms for 40 years and I am trying to theorise what may or may not be happening. There is one possible scenario that would potentially explain the confusion for both companies.

    If we could establish that there are users still working via EE 4G broadband that would confirm this as either an EE or Tado issue, but as yet that hasn't been asked. In large data networks you can take many routes to reach the same destination, however data travels by the quickest route and the quickest route will vary depending on what part of the UK the traffic originates from. This means some UK Tado customer data will traverse via different routers on the EE network while travelling to the Tado servers. We are assuming that EE possibly has made a network wide change, a localised router firmware / software upgrade could be the issue and as its not Network wide some customers would be unaffected. Also, I do not know how EE support operate, if however they are regionalised then upgrades / changes could be under local control with no need for Network wide visibility. The key here is connectivity is maintained by re routing and thus no outages, therefore no need for UK wide alerst / change approval etc. When the change / work is complete, normal routing resumes and only then would the impact on Tado connections manifest itself.

    As I said, its a theory and i have made a lot of assumptions to formulate it... BUT...it is a possibility and the one part that would help corroborate it is if we could find a Tado user still working via EE 4g Broadband. That would pretty much get Tado 'off the hook' as the route cause of this and place focus firmly on EE.

  • kRt
    edited December 2020
    EDIT: I do not think this is a constructive suggestion.